Everton Vs City Post Game Discussion thread

Bazzmand Show said:
Failsworth_Blue said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
It's purely down to the manager. He inspires, he makes the team greater than the sum of its existing parts.

Ferguson makes them believe, like Moyes, but with superior players and resources. They run through brick walls for him.

Ferdinand, gone, a crock.

Vidic, not even playing this season.

Evra, seriously? Ask United fans where he's at.

Hernandez, not been playing this season, found out.

Nani - world class

Rooney - world class

Carrick - average plodder like Barry in twilight of career

Valencia - hot and cold winger on his day.

So what we are saying is that Ferguson is making average players with a couple of world class ones, into a team that have scored loads of goals and have a great points return. Let's go back to previous seasons where I'm sure you believe United had a greater squad than they've got now but after 23 games haven't had more points or more goals, why was that? Surely if it's all down to him the better squad he has to work with the better points and goals return, no?

Or are you suggesting that because his squad isn't as good as it was last year or the year before that they are going that extra mile just because of the manager? You call Valencia an hot and cold winger, since he's been at United he's been fantastic and at the moment I can't think of a more in form player than him. They still have an excellent team with excellent players, they aren't just average players who are getting results week in week out because of their manager, they are getting results week in week out because they have the talent in terms of players and because of the manager.

-- Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:27 pm --

jay_mcfc said:
Not heard this one for a while, we must have lost a few recently

Yeah heaven forbid Ferguson managing a team who would lose at home to Blackburn and away at Newcastle in the space of 4 days. It wouldn't happen for a manager that makes the team greater than the sum of its existing parts. United have an excellent squad.

Thats no where near as good as ours. Ferguson brings something to the table that no player or coach can, the ability to make players play at there maximum all season.

It goes way beyond Ferguson , its playing for Manure and the expectation that goes with it.

We are only in the infancy of that mindset.

We will get better at it over time.
Utd players wake up every morning to people in the media telling them how strong they will be in the last part of the season & can never be written off no matter how they play. City players wake up to the media telling them they'll struggle to maintain the lead & may crack under pressure.

It's not just Ferguson pushing Utd on, it's the whole football system.
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
That was just fucking awful.

2 wins in the last 9 away games and one of those against Arsenal reserves.

We are becoming one trick pony's away from home and when that pony (Silva) is shackled we create absolutely fuck all.

4 defeats in the last 8 games.

If we dont sort this very soon we will not win the league.

Mancini admitted he thought the game would be an easy win and never prepared the team properly ... Could you ever see Moyes or Ferguson doing that ? especially if they had aspirations of winning something and knowing that every point counts . Unforgivable , against a team that had a fullback playing centre half and were elated that they could spend £5m on a player .
Bad management and the players should be ashamed of their non-contribution , .... and blaming the ref in these circumstances is just poor . If the team were good enough they would have won the game regardless of the ref
i got ridiculed on here for saying mancini makes too many mistakes, his man managenent has led to the exit of tevez,bellamy and adebayor. On the face of it then, its his decision, but to not have a striker on the bench was outrageous for a club going for the title. No pace or width shows a deficiency in the squad and i blame mancini totally for that he has used the budget as he sees fit. Dont care how hard the group was, we should be in champs lge knockout phase, only trophy left is prem and if he fails he deserves the sack. We lost v liverpool convincingly last seaaon and went on a run resulting in 3rd and the cup so all is not lost, have to keep the faith and some of the football brilliant at times, but his tactics are strange at times and our weaknesses exposed at times. We have the best squad compared to utd, we can do this, will we? Over to you roberto, make us proud to be blue
Neville Kneville said:
Utd players wake up every morning to people in the media telling them how strong they will be in the last part of the season & can never be written off no matter how they play. City players wake up to the media telling them they'll struggle to maintain the lead & may crack under pressure.

It's not just Ferguson pushing Utd on, it's the whole football system.
Do you think they take a blind bit of notice? Do you think they put talksport on, on their way to work? Whenever i've read articles on players, like personal interviews, they always say 'I never read reviews of our games'. I'm guessing the same can be said for listening to radio phone ins and the like, as all they would hear would be drivel.
And on the off chance they do, and it does affect them, well they need to man up in my opinion, no matter who they are or who they play for.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Ferguson is a phenomenon, don't sell him short. He's a ****, but I will ask you this.

Do you think we would be level on points if he was in our dugout?

Plenty of teams have won silverware by default, there's no shame in it. Both Chelsea and Arsenal have won recent FA Cup's having been outplayed by United.

It is my belief we will have won the title when the challenge is at its lowest ebb.

Depends who was in their dugout but without him, they would not be as strong. Ferguson has had years to develop what he has at United. Their famed mentality didn't just materialise the day that he walked into O.T. and you cannot assume that he would have worked his magic at City to get us way ahead of the opposition in the space of two years. He'd certainly have done things differently to Roberto.
bluetonium said:
Put simply, Everton had a pop at goal and got the rewards. We didn't take our chances, or look like making any decent chances.

Poor ref I agree, but I now seriously fear for our title bid. Everton are very transparent - hit it hard and long, time waste even at home in front your your own fans, and kick anything that looks useful - but we couldn't deal with it.

We need to figure out a way to stay top, even just on GD, until Yaya is back. I know he is not everyone's favourite player, and we shouldn't pin all our hopes on him, but he does seem to make us tick, give us another outlet.

I also have to say that I feel Mancini got it wrong today. I like him and back him 100%, but Clichy at RB is not an option. I hope I am wrong, but I can see us out of Europe and playing catch up to the scum by the end of Feb. I think that is going to be how we have to do it - get Balo and Yaya back and beat the scum at our place, and it's going to be a case of us needing to keep within 3 points of them, and not the other way around.

THis ..Walton was crap but the real issue is that teams seem to have worked out how to neutralise us.
Park the bus and score on the break

WE do not seem to have a plan to deal with this

That said I thought the team looked off the pace tonight..not enough hunger or aggression (or was that cos card happy Walton has history with us ?? I don't know)

What I do know is that we lacked pace in attack and were bullied of the ball too easily.
I am also despairing of the 'patient buiod up' which simply lets the bus-parking teams reorganise at their leisure

Spuds don't give defences that time , nor (crap thoughthey are) do the rags
Went last night and was amazed at the tactics from corners, every corner played directly into the box. Not one short corner, not one player coming short and drawing 2 defenders out of the box. This against one of the strongest aerial teams in the prem.
Also the lack of taking responsibility for shooting around the edge of the box is becoming apparent.
Milner was by far the best midfielder and he was withdrawn???

As for Walton, as soon as he didn`t book Drenthe for diving in the penalty area after 5 mins or so, I just knew he was going to fuck us over. Drenthe dived and then appealed for a penalty, he should have been booked for attempting to cheat the ref (is it possible to cheat a cheat?).
I thought you guys were unlucky last night, the ref was pretty poor, but you know what, it happens to us all. Everton are always having players sent off against the shite, usually unfairly but you have to get on with it.

If you want to be champions (and I hope you are) you will have to face all contenders and beat them at their own game on occasion. Your team isn't tough enough, they play classy football, but don't know how to get in trenches and fight when your back is against the wall.

For your manager not take EFC seriously is crazy. City have only lost 17 games under him and 5 were against everton. We are clearly your bogie team and you can't come to our place and expect us to lie down. Keep your chins up and stop whiging about referees, you're better than that. As they say in boxing, don't leave it in the hands of the ref, you didn't create enough chances to beat Everton at home. The future is yours and I look forward to you taking the title from the rags, but for god sake start acting like champions both on and off the pitch, blaming the ref for last night is just small time.
zandvoort blue said:
Went last night and was amazed at the tactics from corners, every corner played directly into the box. Not one short corner, not one player coming short and drawing 2 defenders out of the box. This against one of the strongest aerial teams in the prem.Also the lack of taking responsibility for shooting around the edge of the box is becoming apparent.
Milner was by far the best midfielder and he was withdrawn???

As for Walton, as soon as he didn`t book Drenthe for diving in the penalty area after 5 mins or so, I just knew he was going to fuck us over. Drenthe dived and then appealed for a penalty, he should have been booked for attempting to cheat the ref (is it possible to cheat a cheat?).

They had four midgets as their back four mate!

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