I think we're in agreement, but the question why still remains.
Why a big bang? If beforehand there was nothing, which in itself is an impossible concept for most brains to conceive of.
Religion doesn't answer this with any evidence other than there must be a higher power.
Science doesn't offer any explanation either in my opinion, other than a lot of unprovable theories.
If people want to quantify that unknown as God, I don't have a problem with them, but the made up religions that evolve out of that concept are the problem as far as I'm concerned.
I think most of religion can probably be traced back to man trying to express the meaning of the seasons, birth, renewal, death, remembrance.....
basically our lives as a species with self awareness.
I don't think anything before our ascent to dominance on earth is ingrained in our consciousness. There is a gap there that primitive man couldn't explain from observation of his surroundings.
Science is piecing things together slowly backwards, but will never answer all either.