Exclusive Mancini interview in the Guardian ^^

samharris said:
Benarbia said:
Marvin said:
Challenging the players. I don't care how he does as long as it works

Got a response for the Leeds game

Lets be fair it was a poor championship team. I'll reserve judgement till 330 tomorrow

And if we win tommorrow ??

Then whilst I don't agree with it. It would have seemed to have got the right reaction
moomba said:
Benarbia said:
moomba said:
Ferguson did this season with Nani. As did Mourinho with half the Madrid team.

As far as slaggings go, this one was pretty tame you must admit.

It's his constant nagging at Hart I'm not at ease with

A few weeks ago Gary Neville slagging off de gea and Fergie had a go at Neville and backed his keeper in public. To me that is good management

Different strokes for different folks. Whats good management for one player won't work for another, for me the ends justify the means. Interestingly Richard Keys was pretty insistent that the Neville comments were made with full approval of Ferguson.

FWIW the nagging at Hart sits less well with me than the comments on Nasri. But there will be a reason for him having a go, maybe RM thinks he needs a constant prodding to keep his focus. He was very positive about Hart in the interview as well so it wasn't all criticism.

It's the hart comments I'm most concerned with. Nasri for me has had 1 good game for us (his debut against spurs) and that's it. Such a disappointment and he's clearly slagging him off as he's had enough
Benarbia said:
samharris said:
Benarbia said:
Lets be fair it was a poor championship team. I'll reserve judgement till 330 tomorrow

And if we win tommorrow ??

Then whilst I don't agree with it. It would have seemed to have got the right reaction

Nobody has any idea what is said to the players in private. The private conversation might not have had desired effect
Benarbia said:
samharris said:
Benarbia said:
Lets be fair it was a poor championship team. I'll reserve judgement till 330 tomorrow

And if we win tommorrow ??

Then whilst I don't agree with it. It would have seemed to have got the right reaction

I think with what is at stake Mancini has every right to openly criticise players,I feel it shows honesty on his behalf to show us the fans that he is trying to get things right.Unfortunately those who dont want Mancini use this as a stick to beat him. many on here feel it their divine right to criticise players on here when they dont perform,so why not the manager ??
Benarbia said:
moomba said:
Benarbia said:
All the article shows is a desperate man on borrowed time. Compete lack of class. I can't sand him constantly slagging off players in public. To my knowledge I don't know any other managers who do this

Ferguson did this season with Nani. As did Mourinho with half the Madrid team.

As far as slaggings go, this one was pretty tame you must admit.

It's his constant nagging at Hart I'm not at ease with

A few weeks ago Gary Neville slagging off de gea and Fergie had a go at Neville and backed his keeper in public. To me that is good management

As in this headline from the Independent after the WBA game on the first day of the season:

'Ferguson criticises 'slack' De Gea'
Benarbia said:
moomba said:
Benarbia said:
It's his constant nagging at Hart I'm not at ease with

A few weeks ago Gary Neville slagging off de gea and Fergie had a go at Neville and backed his keeper in public. To me that is good management

Different strokes for different folks. Whats good management for one player won't work for another, for me the ends justify the means. Interestingly Richard Keys was pretty insistent that the Neville comments were made with full approval of Ferguson.

FWIW the nagging at Hart sits less well with me than the comments on Nasri. But there will be a reason for him having a go, maybe RM thinks he needs a constant prodding to keep his focus. He was very positive about Hart in the interview as well so it wasn't all criticism.

It's the hart comments I'm most concerned with. Nasri for me has had 1 good game for us (his debut against spurs) and that's it. Such a disappointment and he's clearly slagging him off as he's had enough

Saying a keeper has made a few mistakes and can do better is hardly slagging him off.

The question is should it be said in interviews with the press?

Joe will be the first to admit his standards have dropped off this season as has that of a number of players compared to what they are capable of week in week out.

If an interviewer asks you how as such an such performed you can only answer it three ways.

Avoid answering the question.

Tell it as you see it.

Or don't tell it as you see it in other words lie.

I have no problem with a manager saying to someone that so and so is not at his best and hasn't been for sometime and has to work smarter and harder to achieve that.

Hart's form has dropped to the point where many are saying he should spend time on the bench and Nasri has gone missing too often in too many games this season.

Based on the standards he set in his third last and second last season at Arsenal , Nasri is well below that form now.

All Mancini is saying is what we all know to be the case.

If Nasri reacts by throwing his toys out it says more about Nasri than it does Mancini.

As I and others have said some players lose motivation and drive and self belief to get the job done after some success and maybe Nasri fits that bill.

Its enough for them to have a title.

He may need a new challenge to get the best out of him again.
BillyShears said:
Blue Heaven said:
woolleyback blue said:

After reading through the posts on here it obvious that some posters have an anti Mancini agenda and even if he won the PL title for the next 20 yrs they would find some reason to criticise him. Do they never learn about managerial merry go rounds. Look at Chelsea with the players they had post Mourinho they should have romped the PL for several years but Abramovich's hire and fire policy shot them in the foot. Think back to bacon faces first 5 yrs at manure, he'd have lasted about 3 seasons, at the most, these days, before the press and the fans would have been calling for his head. They stuck with him and the rest is history as they say.

Mancini is still on a learning curve as far as the PL is concerned. Like him or loathe him we have to stick with him for at least 2 more seasons to give him chance to impose his style fully on City. If it doesn't work then ok he has to go. He's absolutely right when he says we haven't been performing as well as last season and he takes his share of the blame, all he's asking is the players do the same. No team is perfect and all the players play at 100% every game but if you have quality players then enough of them should perform well enough to win games even if the rest are not performing. That's been the difference between us and the rags, enough of them have performed to win them games they really should have lost or drawn.

If we changed managers now it would mean another round of players out and new players the new manager wants in and with FFP now in play it won't be as easy as before to engineer that. We can't just buy our way out of trouble.

SAF is the last of a dying breed. There soon will be no more 10-15 year club managers. In fact, other than the SAF and the very last of the other soon-to-be extinct wooly mammoths (Wenger, Moyes, etc.), this has been true for quite some time. Since Guy Roux retired in France, how many long-term managers have there been there? Italy? Managers changed every other season, at least.

Furthermore, Bobby's "style" to be imposed is a loser in the Prem. No width, no pace in midfield (inside or out), virtually no crossing into the box (why did he want Dzeko so desperately?), so no Plan B to bypass the parked bus that is so often in our way. He's also a PR disaster, having a go at his players in the media, not to mention Marwood, the medical staff, and at times, indirectly, Sheik Mansour and Chairman Khaldoon. He's a man-mismanagment guru and a narcissistic preening egotist of the highest order (if I win the World Cup for England, no statue is necessary, just a knighthood...). Also, like Mourinho, another pseudo-psychopath, he is forever sowing the seeds of dissension and civil war in his own organization.

The decision to sack him has already been taken, and he's a dead man walking. First in a very long line of staff and players who failed this season and will be not be with us next season.

Don't know if he's dead man walking but otherwise that's a great description of the Italian.

Nowadays there's very few clubs/FANS/media that are happy to give a manager time to get things right, thats why 'long term' managers don't exist anymore.

Your losing your sence of humour pal, mancini has a wicked humour. Take a breather and see his comment for what it is.

Like I say "he's only 47 years old", he could manage for another 30 years and in those 30 years he will win silverware. Sadly that won't be with us as the knee jerkers and Sun readers are out in force and won't give our best manager of thirty years a chance to get things right in this forever changing game.

Sadly the same names will appear on hear when klopp, jose or Pellegrino lose a game. All wanting them out....

I'm convinvince given time bobby will become the very best coach given time, we're all disapointed with europe and our current league standing, but mancini will get it right in time. He's far to talented, driven and young not to learn from his failings.

-- Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:40 pm --

City Raider said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
It does make me laugh this talk of three trophies in three years bollocks.

It wasn't that long ago we were all taking the piss out of United fans who were celebrating beating us in the Community Shield.

I enjoyed Mancini's interview in the Guardian, said some of the things we would all want to hear, regardless of our viewpoint on him.

Unfortunately for me, he says nothing of his own failings.

he says he analyses his own performance all the time, could he have done things different etc

I wouldn't bother mate, you're trying to change a "made up mind".<br /><br />-- Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:40 pm --<br /><br />
City Raider said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
It does make me laugh this talk of three trophies in three years bollocks.

It wasn't that long ago we were all taking the piss out of United fans who were celebrating beating us in the Community Shield.

I enjoyed Mancini's interview in the Guardian, said some of the things we would all want to hear, regardless of our viewpoint on him.

Unfortunately for me, he says nothing of his own failings.

he says he analyses his own performance all the time, could he have done things different etc

I wouldn't bother mate, you're trying to change a "made up mind".
Blue Heaven said:
woolleyback blue said:
Blue Heaven said:
"...ITK's have left the forum." Like when you finally left the MUEN pages after making such a fool of yourself for so many years?

What has our form been this season? Really, really disappointing, other than an odd 20 or 30-minute period here and there. On three occasions, after three devastating results, Bobby has said "I know what the problem is, and I will fix it..." Still believe him? Fans complain there is never any Plan B, but that is because there is no width, no pace anywhere. Look at the squad and it's impossible not to realize that it is horribly unbalanced, favoring size and physical strength. It's fairly well-suited to Bobby beloved diamond formations, but that just points out that he DOES NOT BELIEVE in pace out wide or crossing into the box. Again, why waste 27 million on Dzeko, then?

I hope we can hang onto second, but without a result against Chelski, we are in for the fight of our lives to finish in the top three.

Chelski's managerial go-round is a joke, I agree with you, but there is a new reality, and the era of the long-term manager, much like the era of the wooly mammoths, is over (other than you, of course...).

I don't notice you posting on the MEN these days. Tired of making a fool of yourself as well were you?

You can't have it both ways. According to some Marwood not Mancini bought Dzeko and Manicin's primary targets who had both width and pace weren't acquired last summer. If you aint got the players you can't play the formation.

We can all see that City have underperformed this season but a lot of us actually can resist the knee jerk reaction of sacking the manager as some kind of universal solution that will cure all ills.

All I'm reading on here is the wish lists of the anti Mancini brigade.

NO ONE is posting on the MUEN anymore, are they? Your question to me seems to indicate that you have accepted my claim about you. Fair play to you, then...

The reason we don't have the players is because Bobby didn't want them. He admitted in this Guardian interview that he wanted Sinclair (our only winger) but he just hasn't played him, through no fault of the player. This, after selling on AJ, who he almost never played on his natural left side where he could have crossed into the box (AJ has no right foot, as everyone realized). Lavezzi was available for peanuts, but we didn't seem to bother.

When I was leading the Hughes out brigade years ago, you were one of the ringleaders of the Hughes stay clapper crowd. You had it wrong then, and in the same manner, you have it wrong now. When Hughes was sacked, you went on and on about how disgusted you were with Cook, Khaldoon and the club in general. I guess you changed your mind, somewhere along the way...

Hardly going to admit that he didn't want Scott is he...
I wondered why the Guardian have not been bashing us this last week, obviously because of this exclusive with Mancini.
The real culprits are Herbert and Ogden, both fergies lackies whom I am convinced are working as a double act to stir the shit and provide the bullets for Cooper at the weekly presser.

Agenda my ass.
MSP said:
So, it's OK to think there is no reason for anybody to question him because City made success in past but not doing very well at current campaign but it's Ok to criticize players publicly for same thing and say that they will go to bench for it.

Yeah, I'll buy that for sure. Load of bollocks Mancini and only those that you manage to blind (and they haven't failed to appear on this thread) won't see it ..

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