Exposing the hypocrisy of journalists

No, but my comprehension levels are probs a bit more evolved than yours.

Have you always been called Nails? Not noticed your name on here before, but you’ve obviously been a member for a few years. Not a bot by any chance are you? ;-)
Firstly I fully support what I have read of Rabin and think he is showing up the hypocrisy of many of the journalists that crtiicise City, and I agree many journalists are hypocrites and many of the attacks on City are indeed hypocritical.
However City aside not all journalists are hypocrites there are many that do go to unsavoury regimes and unsavoury people and hold a light to what they are doing, some are very brave people indeed. It is a pity that others hide behind these brave ones and ask for equal deference to their own stuff. Yes Ronay is a roaring hypocrite in what he writes , they are not all the same though.
If they were not all the same some decent journalists would have called the bad ones out years ago. They don’t bother for whatever reason and are part of the reason why the public in general have lost faith in the media.
The Journalists/bloggers or whatever they are, are so used to lying it has become second nature, they are unable to see what they are.

They have virtually nothing to back up their claims, they have morons patting their virtual ego's who have nothing else to offer than their team have been beaten at football.

These shallow empty fuckwits think they are offering Pulitzer prize groundbreaking insights, and when they are challenged, they have literally resorted to name calling, so called paid professionals name calling and complaining when confronted with easily accessible information that it's a paid for bot/plant/shill confronting them (pretty much what they are).

I have not seen one challenge to what has actually been written by @City_rabin , they have called it feeble and baseless but as yet not one challenge to the facts contained within the tweets.

No, it's a person on the internet telling the truth and challenging them with easily accessible facts about what are their motives, who do they work for, who are they protecting and why are they demonizing a football club and its support?

Again, this is based on their team has been beaten at football!!! What about Horse Racing, Formula 1, Golf and many other sports with huge investment from the Middle East?

What about the Afghanistan, Iraq, Syrian wars which have cost millions of lives all fought with the West's approval and/or backing, with thousands of service men and women dying in these conflicts.

What about the continued impasse in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict where lives are lost on a daily basis with its many varied backers and arm suppliers?

That's right, our team beat their team in a game of football and that's their line in the sand moment, really that's the reason!!!

As for liverpool fans supporting these so called journalists after the lies told about their club, shame on you's (the you's is their native Scouse).

The worse one though is McGeehan (the others are journalists so start from an extremely low base point anyhow), an actual human rights activist who is demanding a person who wishes to remain anonymous on the internet, they disclose their name and location, an actual very sinister demand and for what end purpose?

As @City_rabin much more eloquently stated than I have, all we have to do is uphold the actual truth, it's time to challenge these lies and put a stop to the free ride these journalists have had until now, challenge their lies and disinformation.

Ensure your challenges are delivered as clear and concisely as possible, no need to lower ourselves to their bitter bullshit, as we have seen this past week, they literally have no coherent replies, name calling and demands are their level, pathetic.
Excellent post!
Capitalism, thanks to its need for growth and therefore to the increasing use of decreasing resources, is about to bring the human race (along with most other species - thanks to what it's doing to the climate) to an end. I would therefore suggest that any club owned by a Capitalist is run by someone who has a questionable human rights record. Funnily enough, the media are major contributors to this increasingly likely phenomenon (acting as mouthpieces for said Capitalists).
I am new to this forum and have only been partly able to follow the Rabin rejoinders. However, if someone was going to try to hold us to account for the Abu Dhabi connection and events in Yemen wouldn’t you have to start by going back much further historically, to the advent of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia and its promotion and spread on the back of Saudi oil wealth to other gulf states? Wouldn’t this then have to also take into account our government’s post WW1 propping up of the House of Saud and subsequent events at Bitter Lake?

Surely, in that process, you would encounter a diffusion of moral responsibility shared out between political leaders, that of the US and others who have been responsible for granting the Saudis carte blanche to spread their toxic puritanical message around the globe, including to other gulf states. Eventually, almost everyone would be caught up in an intricate web of collusion.

One would also have to be reading very different historians and journalists, authors like Albert Hourani, Michael Crawford, Robert Fisk and Patrick Cockburn, to name but a few.

So for some mickey-mouse level sports journalists to jump on the bandwagon from an ill-informed starting point that targets our club and attempts to ring-fence it exclusively for alleged moral shortcomings seems daft to say the very least, especially when they have no track record in the territory and yet still seem to want to stake out an ethical high-ground that is non-existent in the porous, leaky moral sewer of Middle Eastern history and politics.

This all seems daft to me and comes down to one thing and one thing only : jealousy.

Well that’s my take on things for now. Do feel free to call me out on anything I have posted on here that is incorrect or doesn’t resonate as I am a bit drunk from Sunday evening imbibing and have probably gone off at a tangent and not making much sense.

Anyway, I completely support Rabin’s efforts and only wish I was as capable as he is of incisively and forensically skewering the dickhead journalists that are currently swarming around our club like flies round shit.
Rabin on this Barney Ronay's book:
"But what hit me in the gut was the glorification of Putin for the Chechen War..which Barney says made Putin a "All round Beef-caked man of war". Chechen War..the war where thousands of civilians were killed by the Russian forces. "Beef caked man of war"..let that settle in."
What's the common denominator between Chechen people and UAE? Islam. So, no surprise here.

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