100% of all the lies, obfuscation, misinformation and uninformed claptrap, spouted about is from weasels who do not need to account for their actions, are never called out on them by sycophantic listeners, cannot be called out because they refuse to accept their sheep like mentality or have an agenda against us where the truth forms no part of the narrative.... That goes for the media, bitter supporters/managers, trolls and the completely uninformed wasters who have never been to any football ground, let alone the one the club, they claim to support plays at...!
This situation has occurred, not because of money, human rights abuse concerns or a sense of fair play....
It's 100% due to our success on the pitch, we dared to disrupt the status quo... It's that simple really and on reflection, rather fucking satisfying I have to say..... Here's to the dispensing of another, bitter pill prescription season for the haters....
Now bring Sunday on and let's get a new prescription pad out for the Dippers to kick things off...