Currently the best opinion available so I'll be going off that unless anything changes
Which is fine.
Look this might upset you but i dont care on bit, I'm allowed an opinion.
I've told you what it is. I've zero issue in them protesting in what is the usual manner.
I've no interest in them pretending so called peaceful protest isn't a massive strain on emergency services in London, a huge cost to both the public and private purse and them pissing off many now as it was fun for a day or three but after nearly 2 weeks, many had simply had a belly full and will no doubt be of the same opinion when they take to the streets gain to not peacefully protest but to disrupt.
Said it before but go and stop your car in the middle of the M60 and block the motorway and when the police turn up say you are ER and not moving.
See what happens to you. Are the police right in arresting you for that and moving you on are do we now just let anyone do whatever they want in the name of protest?