I think the term for someone who posts the above is utter **** as well.
What an absolute load of shite you posted right there mate. Utter shite. I am a former scientist by the way. I graduated in Physics with Atmospheric Physics in 1979 and went on to work at Cern, before changing career paths. I am out of touch and have forgotten most of what I knew, but I have a basic scientific understanding. And IMO there is very significant scope for misinterpretation of both the data and the models, and I am not at all convinced that the median projections are valid, let alone the doomsday ones. Moreover, it is abundantly clear that whatever the UK does is entirely symbolic and will be virtually no difference whatsoever to climate change, whether we cut our carbon output by 1%, by 50% or by 100%. Maybe zero difference.
This being the case, it would seem to me to be eminently sensible to spend more money on things which really do matter to us, like the NHS, like schools, like training for young people, caring for our elderly - rather than piss billions down the pan on something which will make fuck all difference and may very well not even be a problem at all.
For me the jury is entirely out on whether we may in fact in a decade or two finally have to admit that we got it all wrong and that CO2 - least of all anthropogenic CO2 - has got fuck all to do with it.