"Eyeball, eyeball"! Memories of C.B. radio.

10-4 this is rubber duck calling plastic chicken

I recall the big push to legalise it and as soon as they did there was the initial rush (most people into it had already got one) and it quickly died.
I went to the States aged 15 in 1978 and this lad I got to know had one and I'd be on it talking to whoever trying to convince them I was calling from England. Most knew I wasn't but the odd one believed me!
Never bothered with it in England.
I remember when it was legalised in late 1981, someone i knew got one and we were on it all winter. Even met some girls through it.
Think I've still got my You've Just Eyeballed badge somewhere.

Emergency channel was 9 wasn't it , or 14?
14 was the breaking Chanel. ‘1-4 for a copy’
Pathetic how some nerds tried to be all American in a Morris Marina with a whippy ariel.
Brought one back from the States inn1979, and put it in my first company a brown Morris Marina but I had a mag ariel that scratched all the roof.I remember meeting for an eyeball with a guy in Ashton who had his in a shopping bag while he walked round as he didn’t have a car!
Brought one back from the States inn1979, and put it in my first company a brown Morris Marina but I had a mag ariel that scratched all the roof.I remember meeting for an eyeball with a guy in Ashton who had his in a shopping bag while he walked round as he didn’t have a car!
What was the purpose of meeting this bloke?
He sold the video shop at its peak pretty much..
We used to spend more time choosing the films than actually getting to watch them. Very rarely did we ever get it right, as all you had to go on was an enticing picture on the front of the box and to the back a biased blurb roundup.

However on one occasion we had an all night horror fest and proper swum the channel with all four of our choices.
They were Sam Ramis Evil Dead, I Spit On Your Grave, Nightmare In A Damaged Brain and the Hills Have Eyes.

Still remember our villages membership number which was 313. Sometimes we would nip down to A and B as they had lots of bogof deals and monetary offers. Good times but not as good as they are now with world wide TV at our finger tips.

I have no idea how we managed back in the day with no day time tv and all broadcasted in black and white. It used to go off at a ridiculous time of the evening and if you didn't turn off then some chap would come on and say "and if your still watching don't forget to turn of the TV"

Then if you still couldn't be arsed getting up the test card would come on and then after that a dot would appear from out of nowhere in the middle of your set and finally a long continuous beep noise to wear you down.
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