FA Cup Final loss in 1981 or Luton 83?

I was way too young to really comment on the two but if I older enough to witness both I would of opted for Relegation (especially under the circumstances during the game) and it was similar to 1996 (which I did witness).
Like yourself I went to all 3 games. The cup final was really disappointing, especially as we should have won on the Saturday. Spurs have remained very much near the top of my most disliked clubs.
The FA Cup run in 81 had some great moments, and though we lost In the replay and I was absolutely gutted, I always felt privileged to have been at both .
There was nothing good about Luton in 83, awful day, horrible atmosphere (quite toxic as someone else pointed out). Like you say, I was in total disbelief that day that City could be relegated from the top flight....got used to it though over the years!
I also went to all three games. All of them were horrible in their own way but the relegation against Luton Town was by far the worst.
Wow. Started this thread over a decade ago. Quite shocked to firstly see it reappear and secondly the amount of recent responses considering all the success we have had since.
Went to both
The Luton game sticks in my mind. Carnage afterwards
Riot van turned over behind Kippax near away fans section
Used to get the 262 bus with my mates from where the away fans coaches were.
Someone said ‘where are the away fans coaches?’ My mate said near our bus stop.
So there were not just the three of us making are way to that bus stop. We were being followed by thousands of city fans leaving a trail of destruction behind. Police trying to disperse us without much success.
Crazy day
Wow. Started this thread over a decade ago. Quite shocked to firstly see it reappear and secondly the amount of recent responses considering all the success we have had since.
Somebody posted some photos of the Luton players being attacked a few days ago and it brought the thread to life.
Used to live next door to a Luton town fan late 80s.i invited him up to Maine rd once for some random match.He just looked at me as all the colour drained out of his face ,shook his head and muttered I,m never going there again,no way.
1983 had scarred him.he and his mates got battered.
We never mentioned the match again.
81 final every time having led in both matches. Still not got over it…and MacKenzies goal was the best. Always felt Villa’s was partly due to our suspect depending as I don’t want them having all the credit.
Insane that our back 4 for that final included Caton (18) Reid (19) and Ranson (20)

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