Personally I think it’s embarssing that we have so many tickets remaining , it’s the same every year , everyone knows that there is the potential of semi finals and finals , so why don’t people plan ahead , put money aside , which I don’t think is the real reason because the cheap seats are still a available , people need to get used to the idea that watching football is not free and costs money , judging by the comments on here the spurs at home should be absolutely packed to the rafters as lots are using it as an excuse not to go to a semi final ..... we could only dream of that years ago and who is to say we will make the final , some fans simply can’t be arsed going and I can’t beleave we have genuine fans saying they hope our end is empty !?!?! Are you for real , sorry but don’t get how you can pick and choose , that’s why we support our team isn’t it in the hope of days out at Wembley to win things or else what’s the point ..... too many supporters simply can not be arsed cos it’s Brighton ..the same fans be moaning can’t get a ticket if we get to the final !! Sorry but everyone knows the fa don’t give a shit about us fans so what do people expect ??? If you want to go badly enough you’ll get there !