FA Open Investigation into Events at The Etihad

SalfordCityBlue said:
Hopefully they will investigate how many seats were smashed up and then thrown into the South Stand at the end.

the club should send utd a bill for the seats ripped up and told that next season only 2k will have tickets, and our club should ban the two fools who threw a coin and run on to the pitch
Are the FA still investigating why Bellamy struck by a bottle at the sty in 2010 at the league cup semi final
Nothing will happen to shrek nor will anything happen to wellbeck who was stood with his arms outstretched shouting come on to the blues fans in the corner all the clowns in the fa will be sorting out is us but let's see what happens I for one will not be holding my breath on this!
mancityscot said:
MCFC BOB said:
tell you what you come infront of such highly charged supporters takin the piss you deserve all you fuckin get , ferdinand your a wanker and i wish id thrown the fuckin coin
Oh very, very, very, very fucking dear.

i cant disagree with what he said bob.

the guy who threw the coin was 100% bang out of order and should be banned however I could not give a flying fuck what happened to camel gob.

Why the fuck would you go winding people up when they are clearly annoyed or upset? He is an arrogant odious little turn who got what was coming to him.

The fan who threw the coin has made the mistake of falling into the rag twats plan. Chances are he will milk this situation for all he can, it wouldn't surprise me if he released a book called 'The coin that nearly killed me' as he is the type who would do anything to be in the paper.

It just pisses me off that we are seen as the bad guys yet stuff like this happens all the time with the rags but that rarely ever gets mentioned.

Finally Ferdinand has lost all credibility in the fact he kicked of with Balotelli in the semi for doing the same thing. Wasn't it this turn who said Mario could have incited a riot and was bang out of order?
i DO condone our fans reactions... how about that.

utd players are fucking despicable and needed that.

i wish joe had let that lad go and chase rio... never seent the camel gobbed **** run so fast.
Sam. said:
I don't condone those actions and those responsible should be banned, but when Bellamy had bottles and coins thrown at him in the 4-3 at OT, did United receive a fine or did any of their fans get banned?

Serious question, not trying to explain their actions.

I was going to post this but you beat me mate.
Why are so many of our fans ready to castigate us.
I suspect the vast majoity have never been to the sawmp and
never experienced the shit both inside and outside the place.<br /><br />-- Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:06 pm --<br /><br />
Sam. said:
I don't condone those actions and those responsible should be banned, but when Bellamy had bottles and coins thrown at him in the 4-3 at OT, did United receive a fine or did any of their fans get banned?

Serious question, not trying to explain their actions.

I was going to post this but you beat me mate.
Why are so many of our fans ready to castigate us.
I suspect the vast majority have never been to the sawmp and
never experienced the shit both inside and outside the place.
MCFC BOB said:
city91 said:
the guy who threw the coin was 100% bang out of order

city91 said:
I could not give a flying fuck what happened to camel gob.
So... is he bang out of order or not?


the guy should not have threw the coin however I don't give a rats arse what happens to camel gob.

If I walked into a pub full of united fans playing the big man and giving them shit and then got a crack because of it. Not one person would have any sympathy for me and this is what I'm like with camel chops.

Rio though he was funny and clever, got hit for his troubles, end of story.

FFS some people on here going on like the guy who threw the coin in a murderer or something. The ironic thing is that the only reason most people are arsed is because it is giving the club a bad name and nothing to do with that tosser getting hit.

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