FA Open Investigation into Events at The Etihad

This was right in front of me and rooney ran past the utd fans right towards us he was goading us which led to bottles coins lighters and smoke bombs being chucked n it was not just one bloke it was hundreds also welbeck spread his arms n done the old "come on lets have it" sky have not mentioned any of this.

They deserve it n rooney is a lucky man because he could of been seriously hurt.. He was insiting violence.
underneath the sky said:
Nothing will happen to shrek nor will anything happen to wellbeck who was stood with his arms outstretched shouting come on to the blues fans in the corner all the clowns in the fa will be sorting out is us but let's see what happens I for one will not be holding my breath on this!

I was wondering when somebody was going to mention wellbeck ,he stood there with his arms open football hooligan style shouting "fuckin come on then " directly at the city fans in the corner.
Although coin throwing is a fuckin stupid thing to do players have responsibilities , one day a group of about 40 or fifty fans will get on the pitch at a ground and properly hurt a footballer they just need to be a bit more savvy .
ban-mcfc said:
i DO condone our fans reactions... how about that.

utd players are fucking despicable and needed that.

i wish joe had let that lad go and chase rio... never seent the camel gobbed **** run so fast.
He was giving it the billy big balls to the fan,wonder would he have been so brave if joe had'nt a hold of the lad,still was wrong to run on the pitch,same for the coin thrower,but with certain players can understand why they do it, rio along with granny shagger,would love nothing more than to see the two fcukers get whats coming to them....
united players only themselves to blame - giving it right in front of us, hate every single one associated with that club. should have took his eye out, he was still giving it 3-2 on the way off.

no case to answer.
Right Mod's can we sort this out.

How the fuck can any normal person condone throwing coins.

It's fucking disgusting behaviour .

End of.

Under any circumstances.

Anyone who threw anything onto the pitch can fuck off as far as I'm concerned.

Let them try and wind up the home support, we know what they are and we know that we are better than them and will prove it in the next 6 months.
Plenty of people need to chill their fu***n beans and take a step back. It's sport yeh it's passionate and with yet another late winner emotions are/were high for fans and players alike but it's still sport.

A perfect storm of our late winner in May leaving the rag players looking for pay back due to their personal hurt.

A poor ref performance leaving fans and players of all sides frustrated, combined with our negative emotion at yet another late bloody winner at the hands of our biggest rivals - after this time we were the ones to have come back from a deficit, resulted in a right load of mither.

Frankly rag players were out of order and should know better but they are people, and in the heat of the moment especially after their intense personal disappointment in May- people do stupid things. Six of one half a dozen. However two wrongs actually do not make a right. Stop for a moment, think and ask yourself this question honestly of yourself.

What do you actually think is worse, forgetting to be professional in a moment of intense elation or forgetting to hold onto the sound social principle of not seeking to physically injure or disable someone who upsets you a bit by consciously reacting against said emotional elation by throwing a missile with the sole intention of seriously injuring or even partially blinding someone in retaliation against a lack of magnanimous grace in victory?

If you think the former then you are wrong and you need to revaluate what is actually important in life. I'd recommend some quality time on the front line with her majesties finest or if your not into physical exercise then possibly some humanitarian work with starving children picking up food from a land fill site in Africa.

Because I'm sorry to break it to you but your sense of what is right and wrong and what actually is or isn't worth getting ridiculously fervently over the top upset about is somewhat out of kilter.

I'm a life long blue and Ive had the misery of all our bad times at their hands and today hurt me, yet again but you know what I'm a grown adult i have self control and responsibility. So do you know what helps it feel better?

Holding onto the positive that we are now competing with them for titles. Them celebrating like they'd just won a cup at beating us rather then just a casual satisfied clap and hug.
The fact that bacon face wont be around much longer and then enjoying the inevitable slide to current Liverpool or arsenal mediocrity whilst were dominating European football :)

In other words enjoy it whilst it lasts rags City aren't going anywhere fast!

And in final summery, in case its not clear enough for all the thugs and thickos who in multiple instances both today and recently, keep dragging the name of this fine football club through the mire of shite please grow up or get lost. Permanently!!!!!!!

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