FA Watch

pee dubyas crayons said:
If you ignore the Adebayor stamp on McShane IMO it makes FA Watch look very biased.

You made precisely the same point on page 101 on Saturday night and my response was the next post down - I'm surprised you missed it, as it was quite clear.

Indeed the same point was raised on the FA Watch site on Sunday morning and as I said at the time I have no problem in following it and other incidents up, but since I didn't recall it myself from seeing the match live at COMS I was relying on seeing links to the incident, which I asked for on two occasions.

I haven't heard anything which is why I haven't taken the issue forward, unlike with the case of Fellaini when a clip was sent.

If Adebayor has stamped on McShane I would WANT to take it forward, in part because of the credibility issues you imply. But I need some assistance to do this, and to simply ignore my response to precisely the same point you raised before does not really help.
Patrick Barclay of The Guardian has been in touch re the Fellaini incident, touching base.

It looks like he may keep a watching brief so to speak, and at least doesn't appear hostile like Martin Samuel of the Mail.
Mark Tipton said:
Patrick Barclay of The Guardian has been in touch re the Fellaini incident, touching base.

It looks like he may keep a watching brief so to speak, and at least doesn't appear hostile like Martin Samuel of the Mail.
patrick barclay is an intelligent journalist who is well respected in the industry
We now have a response from the FA on the Fellaini incident, as follows:

An FA spokesman said: “We are only able to take retrospective disciplinary action in cases which are not seen by match officials. The incident to which you refer was seen by the match referee and therefore outside of any FA jurisdiction. We will not re-referee the incident.”

They're quite clear then - Mr Wiley saw it and he''s OK with it - remember, he didn't even give a foul!

Mark Tipton said:
We now have a response from the FA on the Fellaini incident, as follows:

An FA spokesman said: “We are only able to take retrospective disciplinary action in cases which are not seen by match officials. The incident to which you refer was seen by the match referee and therefore outside of any FA jurisdiction. We will not re-referee the incident.”

They're quite clear then - Mr Wiley saw it and he''s OK with it - remember, he didn't even give a foul!

so basically they are say they can do whatever they want whenever they feel like it
Mark Tipton said:
We now have a response from the FA on the Fellaini incident, as follows:

An FA spokesman said: “We are only able to take retrospective disciplinary action in cases which are not seen by match officials. The incident to which you refer was seen by the match referee and therefore outside of any FA jurisdiction. We will not re-referee the incident.”

They're quite clear then - Mr Wiley saw it and he''s OK with it - remember, he didn't even give a foul!

Absolutely ludicrous! WTF is happening in the modern dya football associaiton!
We have now got recognition from the FA, in so much that all future requests should go via their Press Office via direct e-mail rather than having to go through the tortuous process of contacting their Customer Relations Team by online form.

They are doing this because they've realised at long last we're publishing their replies online at the FA Watch site, and elsewhere.

It's progress by small steps at least.

Mark Tipton said:
We now have a response from the FA on the Fellaini incident, as follows:

An FA spokesman said: “We are only able to take retrospective disciplinary action in cases which are not seen by match officials. The incident to which you refer was seen by the match referee and therefore outside of any FA jurisdiction. We will not re-referee the incident.”

They're quite clear then - Mr Wiley saw it and he''s OK with it - remember, he didn't even give a foul!


Was it not mentioned a couple of weeks ago, that if the FA thought an incident was sufficiently bad to warrant an increase in punishment, they would take action? That implies wether the ref saw the incident or not. Now, under anyone's book that was violent conduct and hence a 3 match ban?
Mark Tipton said:
We have now got recognition from the FA, in so much that all future requests should go via their Press Office via direct e-mail rather than having to go through the tortuous process of contacting their Customer Relations Team by online form.

They are doing this because they've realised at long last we're publishing their replies online at the FA Watch site, and elsewhere.

It's progress by small steps at least.


Great work

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