FA Watch

Spuds just had a penalty turned down, Chel$ki run up other end and score. If webb thought keane was diving wheres the yellow?
I know i've mentioned it about 8 times but i might aswell add it here.

According to Fifa added time can only be added because of substitutions or injuries. Nothing to do with celebrations.

Now why did the 4th official mouth to Mark Hughes something about Bellamy's celebration when Hughes questioned him about the time added on?

From the Fifa wesbite...

Allowance for Time Lost

Allowance is made in either period for all time lost through:


assessment of injury to players;
What wound me up the most was the way Taggert was laughing and joking with the 4th official after they'd scored the 4th. The cheque will be in the post I suppose.
Keep on topic boys and girls - this thread and our campaign is about disciplinary matters. There's plenty of other threads about today - I know, I started one!
You won't like this.

I've just seen the footage of Bellamy and the United fan on the pitch after the game. It doesn't bode well.

Last November Chelsea played Burnley in a Carling Cup game and Drogba through a coin into the Burnley fans that had been thrown onto the pitch. He was charged with violent conduct, like Adebayor, which of course goes through the fast track procedures. It looks like Bellamy could well miss 3 games starting with the West Ham one.

Now compare this with the Vidic incident with Wigan's Rodallega in August, on which we are still waiting to hear if the FA are to do anything about it. This of course was one of the incidents I wrote to the FA about last Thursday. What is the betting that Bellamy is charged with violent conduct whereas Vidic escapes completely?

You just know what's going to happen don't you?

The link to The Guardian article and the wording is as follows:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2008/nov/14/chelsea-luiz-felipe-scolari" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2008 ... pe-scolari</a>

Drogba charged with violent conduct by FA over coin-throwing incident
• Striker has until 6pm on Monday to respond to the charge
• Lampard calls for Burnley fans to be punished

Gregg Roughley guardian.co.uk, Friday 14 November 2008 12.00 GMT

The Chelsea striker Didier Drogba has been charged with violent conduct by the Football Association for throwing a coin at Burnley fans during the Carling Cup fourth-round tie on Wednesday. Drogba has until 6pm on Monday to respond to the charge. Following that, a Regulatory Commission will hear the case on Tuesday November 18.

The FA set a precedent in 2002 when Jamie Carragher was handed a three-match ban after being sent off for throwing a coin back into Arsenal's support at Highbury. An FA spokesman said: "Players should be able to play football without fearing for their personal safety. It is totally unacceptable for players to be put in danger by supporters throwing missiles on to the pitch. The priority now is to work with the clubs and the police to identify the individuals involved. The FA wants anyone found guilty of throwing missiles to face the strongest possible action. That includes life bans from attending football matches."

The FA confirmed that it has written to both Chelsea and Burnley to request information on missiles thrown at Chelsea players from the Burnley section. The Metropolitan police are now focusing on searching for the fan who threw the coin.

Chelsea said this evening they would co-operate fully with the FA and Metropolitan Police regarding the incident. "We welcome Burnley's assistance in trying to help identify the small minority of their support who spoiled a great occasion for their club," a club statement read.

"Although Didier Drogba was hit by an object, that does not excuse his subsequent actions. He also recognises that, has not sought to justify it that way, has sincerely expressed his regret and has apologised for the incident. The matter will be dealt with internally by the club after the FA and police processes are completed."

Ealier today Frank Lampard called for the Football Association to punish Burnley's supporters and not Drogba. "There are two sides to it," said Lampard. "Didier's come out and there's been a reaction, a human reaction I have to say, which Jamie Carragher made once. He's come out straight away and said he's made a mistake. People have got to stop throwing things on the pitch. I was around Didier at the time and I don't know how many coins there were around. We've seen referees getting hit, too, so I think people have to take responsibility as a group."

Lampard also expressed concern that if Drogba is punished it might encourage fans to throw more missiles at players. "If Didier gets banned, are fans going to do this more to provoke people? Who knows?" said Lampard. "I take quite a lot of corners and it's not unusual to get things thrown at you and lots of abuse, too, and I think it's got to a stage now where it's got to stop." (end)
ok, after pm's with monty we don't know if we should be contacting the FA about the ref and extra time?

The ref played 1 minute extra for Bellamys goal celebrations but only 20 seconds extra for Owen's. Both goals took about a minute to restart. I could do with knowing why, anyone else feel the same or should I just let it go!?
This is kind of on topic in the sense that the SKY4 and FA are in each others pockets, what a sickening video clip that was of Fergiescum and the fourth official having a ball together at city`s expense right under the nose of Hughes, god knows what he made of it !!!
Could one of the boffins send a freeze frame of that scene to all the newspapers, its sort of self explanatory.........
Christ i`m pissed off at this, truly sickening.
We all know by now that we will have all kinds of obstacles and bent,corrupt and unjustified decisions put in our way but take heart in the FACT that we will not be denied that we wil not only win the title,but dominate it for the next 10 years at least.
moonbeams said:
Hi, Guys

So far we have 10 people who are going to help promote FA Watch on other clubs sites. We need another 10. To the 10 who have already offered their support, thank you so much. Once the list is complete, I'll post on here which posters are covering which clubs (with their permission).

If you would like to help, you'd be required to take one club and contact their Fan Forums (a list of forums for that club will be provided) You'll be given a message composed by Monty to pass on to the forums. Initial contact would be with the site owner or Admin/Mods of the forum. If anybody could help with this we'd be extremely grateful. Like I say, we need 10 more people, so please send me a PM if you could help.

When registering with a forum you'd be using the username 'FA Watch', there is already a poster on bluevibe with that name, if it's anybody off here, could you contact me please so that we can make sure that we don't have any overlap.

Thanks again.

You restricting this to Premier League club forums? A few of my mates are Derby fans so I could get this going on their most popular forum?
City Raider said:
ok, after pm's with monty we don't know if we should be contacting the FA about the ref and extra time?

The ref played 1 minute extra for Bellamys goal celebrations but only 20 seconds extra for Owen's. Both goals took about a minute to restart. I could do with knowing why, anyone else feel the same or should I just let it go!?

Yes, we should all examples must be reported IMHO. Posts on here have analysed the time frame and it is inconsistent especially, not allowing the same time for their fourth as our third. We should also be asking why 4 minutes was added and maybe the FA should clarify what is allowed and how much.

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