FA Watch

That's what your up against!!!. Have noticed lots of comments today from Refs and the media justifying there decisions, no conspiracies they say. Think our FA Watch message is getting through.
Just to keep you all up to date from my side of things. We now have 16 people who are going to contact other Prem club forums on behalf of FA Watch, so a big thanks to you all.

We now need 4 more people for this part of the campaign. So if you can give an hour or two we'd be extremely grateful. Please send me a PM if you can help.

Kirkstall Blue said:
That's what your up against!!!. Have noticed lots of comments from Refs and the media justifying there decisions, no conspiracies they say. Think our FA Watch message is getting through.

I agree and they will all know about it by now you can be sure of that.
not my fault! said:
bluemoondays said:
Also, if the referee is adding time on for goal celebrations why did he blow the whistle only 16 seconds after we kicked off. If he is going to do that then he should add another minute for their celebrations after Owen scored.

Oops, I forgot, only the scum get added time when they need it at the swamp...........

Good shout and this is why FA Watch has been set up. No two matches are the same and should be. The top four do get special treatment, no doubt about it.

I thoguht that at first but then someone explained it and that bit actually made sense after a while.

Apparently, because there was so little time left when Owen scored, the celebration didn't actually result in us losing any time. If Owen hadn't scored, we would have only had 16 more seconds to play before the final whistle, therefore 16 seconds were played after the restart, the goal results in no time being lost.

If you take the Bellamy goal though, if the celebration took up 1 minute of the 4 added minutes, then only 3 minutes would be played, meaning an extra minute was added to make sure 4 minutes was played in total.

It's hard to explain.
What we are asking for is consistency.

Yesterday 4 minutes injury time (or is it now called added time?) was added at Old Trafford. An explanation of this 4 minutes is now required. No trainers entered the field of play and there were no hold ups for players who went down through knocks. There was no time wasting as the home team were going for the win, and we couldn`t get hold of the ball. There were just 3 subtitutions within the 90 minute period. I can only justify 1 minute 30 seconds maybe 2 minutes.

Now let`s put this into perspective with the Chelsea/Spuds game. Bassong down injured for a period of 5 minutes whilst he was stretchered off. Drogba also stretchered off which took at least 2 minutes. And also, Ledley King limped off with a hamstring injury. Now there were also substitutions that involved 3 other players. All the injury time/added time totalled 8 minutes.

It appears Webb only took into account time taken for injuries. Consistency please.
pee dubya said:
not my fault! said:
Good shout and this is why FA Watch has been set up. No two matches are the same and should be. The top four do get special treatment, no doubt about it.

I thoguht that at first but then someone explained it and that bit actually made sense after a while.

Apparently, because there was so little time left when Owen scored, the celebration didn't actually result in us losing any time. If Owen hadn't scored, we would have only had 16 more seconds to play before the final whistle, therefore 16 seconds were played after the restart, the goal results in no time being lost.

If you take the Bellamy goal though, if the celebration took up 1 minute of the 4 added minutes, then only 3 minutes would be played, meaning an extra minute was added to make sure 4 minutes was played in total.

It's hard to explain.

I hear what your saying but althought the extra time board had been put up, Bellamy's goal was timed at 89mins so he scored in normal time not in the allocated 4mins of extra time so that argument goes out the window.
Here's what Graham Poll saod in the Daily Mail:
Laws of the game are specific in saying that “the allowance for time lost is at the discretion of the referee” and so Atkinson cannot be faulted technically for finding an extra three minutes in addition to the four minutes he allowed at the end of the second half.

I struggled to see where the additional, additional time came from which enabled United to score the winner. Alan Wiley, the fourth official showed the time allowed - as decided by Atkinson - as four minutes, which I felt was reasonable given the substitutions and number of goals.

There was one further substitution in the time allowed, Carrick for Anderson, for which 30 seconds is usually allowed. I therefore expected the final whistle at 94.30, as did Mark Hughes.

The Owen winning goal was timed at 95.28 and so I could fully understand the City boss’s frustration. When you’ve worked so hard to come back three times and feel that you’ve earned a point in a key match it must be galling to concede such a goal.

Such is football with the laws as they stand, though.

Read more: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1214932/GRAHAM-POLL-Its-time-stop-clock-watching-pressure-refs-Old-Trafford.html#ixzz0RjPuDWZ0" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... z0RjPuDWZ0</a>
It is sometimes then someone takes it off again???? It would make sense but.... And make it easier for people to get involved.
We are not the only team that suffers these inconsistencies, we should be trying to get other fans involved in this .

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