FA Watch

We're in discussions at the moment as to how to get our website from the stage we've got to so far (almost completely developed) to getting it up and running. One for the technical people obviously - but if anyone has expertise in this area please PM me.

On a separate issue Henry Winter of the Telegraph has made contact asking how the campaign is going and have the FA responded.

They haven't so far, so I'll send reminders today.

I've thanked Henry for his interest and will keep him informed of developments.
I know this sounds barmy, but I am genuinely wondering if the FA are reacting to this already.

My MP said he would raise the David Gill situation with Sutcliffe straight away. We've had other MP's offering support. We've had significant media scrutiny of the City / Rags game and the scandal of the extra time. We even had Piers Morgan saying we were probably cheated at the rags game.

It's not beyond the realms of possibility that someone high up in the FA has seen all this going on and said something like "Guys, better clean up our act for a few games until the shit dies down, or we could be in trouble. Let's play it straight for a few games until the storm has passed".

Peter "Check" (never can remember how to spell it) sending off was very surprising.
Think your absolutely correct `Chippy`, generally a high profile game like the derby injustice we have just had to suffer would take up a day or two`s column inch`s in the tabloids then fade away, and everything else would just be `sour grapes` leaving Fergiescum and united once again (count all SKY4) laughing up their sleeve at us while bagging the points, in the comfortable knowledge that the F.A. were going to do erm.............sweet F.A. however we will never get the points back, but I do feel there is something in the air, I very much feel old `Monty` and the `team` backing him are doing a marvelous job of expressing our issues out there in the main domain, lots of people in positions of influence are now taking notice, and the F.A have no option but to sit up and take their collective ignorant heads out of the trough and become or at least seen to become more pro-active and FAIR.

We shall see.
Sunderland v Wolves match today. Referee intially indicated a minimum of 5 minutes. In that time a goal was scored (which took 40 secs to restart play) and a substitution which took a further 30 seconds which in total, if you are going off the rules that were last Sunday, should mean that the game should at a minimum, stop at 96.10. It finished at 95.13.

Basically no added time was added on the this game for a goal, and a substitution (an extra 13 secs if we are being picky)

Why was it added at Old Trafford?!
Im sure i wont be the only one to point this out but Sunderland v Wolves, 5 mins of injury time held up. during that time a goals is scored and 1 substitution. so after the derby you would expect at least another 1-1.30 mins extra. but no total amount added on to the 5 min was 14 seconds.
Richard said:
Sunderland v Wolves match today. Referee intially indicated a minimum of 5 minutes. In that time a goal was scored (which took 40 secs to restart play) and a substitution which took a further 30 seconds which in total, if you are going off the rules that were last Sunday, should mean that the game should at a minimum, stop at 96.10. It finished at 95.13.

Basically no added time was added on the this game for a goal, and a substitution (an extra 13 secs if we are being picky)

Why was it added at Old Trafford?!

That's the FA for you!
Also Turner left the field of play to celebrate a goal with the crowd and as far as I could see wasn't booked
trueblue09 said:
thats ok im on the wolves forums thatl make it easier to get them behind the campaign.

any latest news, is the website live yet?

The latest I've heard is, it should be ready early this week hopefully.
moonbeams said:
trueblue09 said:
thats ok im on the wolves forums thatl make it easier to get them behind the campaign.

any latest news, is the website live yet?

The latest I've heard is, it should be ready early this week hopefully.

That's my understanding - will let everyone know as soon as.
I have finished the website to as far as I can take it at the moment.

Im just waiting for somebody to get the FTP details to me and also the mySQL stuff.

Ric said he would send the the goodies soon, HE does not go away till tuesday so im hoping to hear from him by then

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