FA Watch

below is the latest rubbish sent to a question
basically they can change the rules as and when they feel like

Dear Stephen

Thank you for contacting The Football Association.

At a Regulatory Commission hearing on Thursday 1 October, Manchester City forward Emmanuel Adebayor was fined £25,000 and given a suspended two match ban.

Adebayor admitted a charge of improper conduct relating to his goal celebration during City’s match against Arsenal at the City of Manchester Stadium on 12 September.

In reaching its decision the Commission took into account his admission of the charge, public apology and the extremely provocative nature of the abuse he received. However, the Commission also stated that players have a responsibility to conduct themselves in a proper manner and that such celebrations are unacceptable and have the potential to cause a serious public order incident.

The two match ban was suspended until December 2010 and will be activated in the event of a similar breach of FA rules.

The FA has been given express direction from FIFA that we cannot upgrade yellow cards to red. On this basis, we can only bring additional charges in the most exceptional cases. The Commission stated that players have a responsibility to conduct themselves in a proper manner and that such celebrations are unacceptable and have the potential to cause a serious public order incident.

Kind regards,

Customer Relations Unit
The Football Association
25 Soho Square | London | W1D 4FA
T +44 (0) 20 7745 4545
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.TheFA.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">www.TheFA.com</a>

**If you wish to reply, please click on the below link to go to the contact us form**

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.TheFA.com/Feedback.aspx" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.TheFA.com/Feedback.aspx</a>

From: info@thefa.com [mailto:info@thefa.com]
Sent: 01 October 2009 20:26
To: Info
Subject: Your shout - Adebayor

Name: Stephen


FANNumber: xxxxxxxxxxxx



You charged him but ...... Did the Ref book adebayor? YES so the Ref dealt with it? YES SO,when did your rules change? about "re refereeing"? please dont fob me off with a general email answer see below, FIFA rules prevent the "re-refereeing" of matches. FIFA are the world governing body of football and The FA is just one of 208 member associations, all bound to the same set of rules. This particular rule prevents The FA from taking disciplinary action on incidents which are seen and dealt with at the time by match officials (this includes the referee taking no action). Therefore if the match officials confirm to The FA they have seen an incident, The FA cannot act retrospectively If you are interested in reading more about The FA's disciplinary processes that includes "How does The FA decide whether to charge" please visit the following link: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.thefa.com/NR/rdonlyres/C78670E4-FC3D-4AF2-A526-59DEA094982E/148784/DisciplinaryProcedures0809.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.thefa.com/NR/rdonlyres/C7867 ... es0809.pdf</a> We are confident that the disciplinary procedures off the pitch as well as the referees on the pitch uphold the laws of the game without any bias to club or player. We hope that this clarifies our position. All feedback we receive from supporters is much appreciated - this feedback is collated and used to build a picture of the public opinion and is subsequently fed back internally within the organisation. Please rest assured your comments will form part of this process. Thank you once again for taking the time to write. Kind regards Tracey Bates | Customer Relations Assistant The Football Association 25 Soho Square | London | W1D 4FA T +44 (0) 20 7745 4545 | F +44 (0) 20 7745 4546 <a class="postlink" href="http://www.TheFA.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">www.TheFA.com</a>
cant spell-dont care said:
what happens when we get a bit of luck with a referee?

then we'll see pigs flying!

nah...if they make a bad call giving us the advantage i'll always admit it

and for the record i thought mike dean refereed the game excellently yesterday...got everything right, played advantage and didnt give fouls for 'simulation' or exaggeration
Mike Dean did do well last night, I don't usually like the guy. Thought SWP's yellow card was a bit harsh though.
I have been writing to the FA until I get a response that was not automated and finally succeeded - it is regarding the Mascherano elbow on the Leeds player.

She got a bit snotty with me....

Dear Sir,

It is your opinion in this matter that Mascherano's elbow was deliberate and, as you are a qualified referee, we respect this as your opinion. However, it is the opinion of other qualified officials that this was not a deliberate act and, as they are privvy to several other camera angles of the event, have an opportunity to take a more rounded view of the incident. Like we respect you opinion, we respect theirs and it is the case that in this instance the referee, having reviewed the footage, deemed that Mascherano did act in a violent manner. This, I would like to point out, is for from being 'corrupt' in your words.
Kind regards
Tracey Bates | Customer Relations Assistant
The FA Group

She still got it wrong!
Hi all, got a response.


Thankyou for your email of 20th September 2009 about your dissapointment at the Football association (FA) apparent bias towards the top four Premiership Clubs. I understand your concern about this matter and as a former minister in the department for culture media and sport (DCMS) i have a particular interest

Firstly, I understand your frulstration at what you saw to be an unfair treatment of Manchester City players during their match against Arsenal Football Club on September 12th 2009, may I take this opportunity to congratulate you and you team on what was a decisive victory, and so far a fantastic season

I see form your letter that you have written o the FA and I would be interested in seeing a copy of their response, However I would also be happy to write to the Minister for Sport, Mr Gerry Sutcliff MP at the DCMS on your behalf, If you wish. Please let me know if you would like me to do so

Yours Sincerely

Barbara Follet MP

Got it through the post on expensive paper too.

Wrote back

Dear Barbara Follett,

Thankyou for your letter of September 30th 2009, regarding my disapointment at the FA. I was delighted to recieve your response.

Unfortunately I have not had a response from the Football Association to forward on to you, But I would also like to accept your offer to write to the Minister for Sport, Mr Gerry Sutcliff MP on my behalf, if you could be so kind.

Thankyou very much for your response, If was much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Tipton said:
An important announcement about some changes at FA Watch

As you know, my idea of ‘FA Watch’ was simply little old me firing missives off to the FA on a regular basis highlighting alleged inconsistencies of both their match officials and in many cases, their own disciplinary board.

I believe I said my motivation was one; to vent my spleen to rid myself of growing frustration and two, irritate the hell out of the blazer brigade at FA HQ in the process.

The thought that this idea would snowball in the way it has never occurred to me for one moment. Perhaps I would have kept my mouth shut if it had!

Nevertheless, having sat on the Bucking Bronco I felt obliged to cling on and see where it took us. It’s been quite an experience, to say the least.

I’ve been overwhelmed by the many words of encouragement and offers of support from so many other people who obviously feel the same way as I do. But there comes a time when one has to sit back and evaluate and now is one of those moments.

I think the amount of progress we have made in a very short time is truly amazing:

• We have a website on the brink of going ‘live’.
• We have a team of 20 co-ordinators poised to make contact with literally a few hundred fan websites across the country.
• We have a process underway to appoint ‘watchers’ who will monitor games on our behalf – this will be rolled out nationwide once our recruitment drive brings fans in from other clubs.
• We have people in place for dealing with the media, we have researchers, and we have legal advice available to us.
• We have an interim board in place with specific roles delegated to particular individuals.
• We have a Mission Statement and we are working on a constitution.

amongst other things.

So foundations have been put in place very quickly; too quickly if truth be known, because there was no time allowed for in the planning of this - the whole thing simply evolved incredibly quickly, as we reacted to one thing after another.

So getting to where we are today has been an achievement in itself - I certainly think so anyway, and everyone should be rightly proud of what we have done collectively.

But we are at a critical time in the development of ‘FA Watch’. The next few weeks could make or break us. I get the impression that things will move at an amazing pace once the website goes ‘live’ and we need to be able to react positively to this and above all, present ourselves to the outside world as a professional organisation who want to and deserve to be treated seriously. This will not happen if we screw up on day one.

I have come to the decision that ‘FA Watch’ needs someone more qualified to take the project on than I am. We all have different skill sets as has been said, and there are better people than I available to take this project forward. After all, this project is not about me, it is about the greater good of what we are trying to achieve. I have always been of the view that what is important is that the best person for the job runs ‘FA Watch’ rather than by default, the guy who thought the idea up.

So with that in mind Not My Fault will be taking up the leadership baton with immediate effect and will become the Chair of ‘FA Watch’, with Moonbeams as his Deputy. Not My Fault will take over day to day responsibility for the project, again ably assisted by Moonbeams. I still intend to be on the ‘FA Watch’ board and play a full and active part, including being the focal point for contact with the FA itself, but the future for me is as a worker not the leader.

I have no doubt Not My Fault and Moonbeams will do an excellent job in taking this project forward, and I am sure that everyone will give them their wholehearted support, as will I.

Not My Fault will be posting a personal message in this thread in a few moments, which I endorse absolutely.

Just so people know, I will still be around. I am not going anywhere. You may hear almost as much from me in the future as you would have done if things were not changing. Sorry about that!

Thanks again everyone.


First off I’d like to thank Mark for all he’s done to get us to the point where we are – and for everything he’s going to do in the future come to that, as I’ve spoken to him at length about this and he assures me his involvement in this campaign has only just started! I have asked Mark if he will be our spin doctor and help out with all the quotes and statments to the media as and when the time arises.

I along with everyone else who has had an input am really excited about this campaign and having the opportunity to take things forward. There’s no doubt that one, what we’re trying to do is worthwhile and two, we can make a real difference here if we keep at it. A long overdue difference as well!

The new site is looking good and a few of us have already registered (same usernames I notice, lol) and I can see this relly booming once it goes live and the word is out. We have already had some feedback from local MP's who are keen to get involved and be kept in the loop so to speak, this can only strengthen our cause and help us get the word out quicker to everyone. I also want to thank everyone who has helped so far, you have all done an amazing job and long may this continue.

For now thats it from me but thanks again Mark because without you starting this it would never have happened, I for one hope you do keep involved and help see this through (I am sure you will). Onwards and upwards blues....

Not my fault!
not my fault! said:
Mark Tipton said:
An important announcement about some changes at FA Watch

As you know, my idea of ‘FA Watch’ was simply little old me firing missives off to the FA on a regular basis highlighting alleged inconsistencies of both their match officials and in many cases, their own disciplinary board.

I believe I said my motivation was one; to vent my spleen to rid myself of growing frustration and two, irritate the hell out of the blazer brigade at FA HQ in the process.

The thought that this idea would snowball in the way it has never occurred to me for one moment. Perhaps I would have kept my mouth shut if it had!

Nevertheless, having sat on the Bucking Bronco I felt obliged to cling on and see where it took us. It’s been quite an experience, to say the least.

I’ve been overwhelmed by the many words of encouragement and offers of support from so many other people who obviously feel the same way as I do. But there comes a time when one has to sit back and evaluate and now is one of those moments.

I think the amount of progress we have made in a very short time is truly amazing:

• We have a website on the brink of going ‘live’.
• We have a team of 20 co-ordinators poised to make contact with literally a few hundred fan websites across the country.
• We have a process underway to appoint ‘watchers’ who will monitor games on our behalf – this will be rolled out nationwide once our recruitment drive brings fans in from other clubs.
• We have people in place for dealing with the media, we have researchers, and we have legal advice available to us.
• We have an interim board in place with specific roles delegated to particular individuals.
• We have a Mission Statement and we are working on a constitution.

amongst other things.

So foundations have been put in place very quickly; too quickly if truth be known, because there was no time allowed for in the planning of this - the whole thing simply evolved incredibly quickly, as we reacted to one thing after another.

So getting to where we are today has been an achievement in itself - I certainly think so anyway, and everyone should be rightly proud of what we have done collectively.

But we are at a critical time in the development of ‘FA Watch’. The next few weeks could make or break us. I get the impression that things will move at an amazing pace once the website goes ‘live’ and we need to be able to react positively to this and above all, present ourselves to the outside world as a professional organisation who want to and deserve to be treated seriously. This will not happen if we screw up on day one.

I have come to the decision that ‘FA Watch’ needs someone more qualified to take the project on than I am. We all have different skill sets as has been said, and there are better people than I available to take this project forward. After all, this project is not about me, it is about the greater good of what we are trying to achieve. I have always been of the view that what is important is that the best person for the job runs ‘FA Watch’ rather than by default, the guy who thought the idea up.

So with that in mind Not My Fault will be taking up the leadership baton with immediate effect and will become the Chair of ‘FA Watch’, with Moonbeams as his Deputy. Not My Fault will take over day to day responsibility for the project, again ably assisted by Moonbeams. I still intend to be on the ‘FA Watch’ board and play a full and active part, including being the focal point for contact with the FA itself, but the future for me is as a worker not the leader.

I have no doubt Not My Fault and Moonbeams will do an excellent job in taking this project forward, and I am sure that everyone will give them their wholehearted support, as will I.

Not My Fault will be posting a personal message in this thread in a few moments, which I endorse absolutely.

Just so people know, I will still be around. I am not going anywhere. You may hear almost as much from me in the future as you would have done if things were not changing. Sorry about that!

Thanks again everyone.


First off I’d like to thank Mark for all he’s done to get us to the point where we are – and for everything he’s going to do in the future come to that, as I’ve spoken to him at length about this and he assures me his involvement in this campaign has only just started! I have asked Mark if he will be our spin doctor and help out with all the quotes and statments to the media as and when the time arises.

I along with everyone else who has had an input am really excited about this campaign and having the opportunity to take things forward. There’s no doubt that one, what we’re trying to do is worthwhile and two, we can make a real difference here if we keep at it. A long overdue difference as well!

The new site is looking good and a few of us have already registered (same usernames I notice, lol) and I can see this relly booming once it goes live and the word is out. We have already had some feedback from local MP's who are keen to get involved and be kept in the loop so to speak, this can only strengthen our cause and help us get the word out quicker to everyone. I also want to thank everyone who has helped so far, you have all done an amazing job and long may this continue.

For now thats it from me but thanks again Mark because without you starting this it would never have happened, I for one hope you do keep involved and help see this through (I am sure you will). Onwards and upwards blues....

Not my fault!

will some of us have to change our user names if so i choose funlikeruck as a tribute to craig bellamy who has a great engine
BlueMentalNurse said:
Hi all, got a response.


Thankyou for your email of 20th September 2009 about your dissapointment at the Football association (FA) apparent bias towards the top four Premiership Clubs. I understand your concern about this matter and as a former minister in the department for culture media and sport (DCMS) i have a particular interest

Firstly, I understand your frulstration at what you saw to be an unfair treatment of Manchester City players during their match against Arsenal Football Club on September 12th 2009, may I take this opportunity to congratulate you and you team on what was a decisive victory, and so far a fantastic season

I see form your letter that you have written o the FA and I would be interested in seeing a copy of their response, However I would also be happy to write to the Minister for Sport, Mr Gerry Sutcliff MP at the DCMS on your behalf, If you wish. Please let me know if you would like me to do so

Yours Sincerely

Barbara Follet MP

Got it through the post on expensive paper too.

Wrote back

Dear Barbara Follett,

Thankyou for your letter of September 30th 2009, regarding my disapointment at the FA. I was delighted to recieve your response.

Unfortunately I have not had a response from the Football Association to forward on to you, But I would also like to accept your offer to write to the Minister for Sport, Mr Gerry Sutcliff MP on my behalf, if you could be so kind.

Thankyou very much for your response, If was much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,


That's great Bluemental Nurse - let us know how you get on with this will you.


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