FA Watch

Well done all associated with setting this site up and your endeavours bear fruit, in that the FA start addressing the problems and issues affecting this great game and those involved in running it. Too often the fans, who are actually the people handing over their hard earned money are treated either as fools, morons or insignificant. With luck, a strong light will search into some very dark rooms and result in the decision making/treatment of clubs, referees, players and supporters reflect a fairer and more transparent administration with the best interests of football at its heart and not those of a select few.
britespark said:
Well done all associated with setting this site up and your endeavours bear fruit, in that the FA start addressing the problems and issues affecting this great game and those involved in running it. Too often the fans, who are actually the people handing over their hard earned money are treated either as fools, morons or insignificant. With luck, a strong light will search into some very dark rooms and result in the decision making/treatment of clubs, referees, players and supporters reflect a fairer and more transparent administration with the best interests of football at its heart and not those of a select few.

Thanks for your kind words. And as Lance-Corporal Jack Jones would say.....
They dont like it up em! ;0)
I think that maybe to encourage as many other teams fans to get involved we should be clever in when we post on their forums to let them know, for example, now would be an excellent time to post on the BBurn's forum as they will be feeling hard done by after that stonewall penalty at the Emirates, and Spurs would have after the Chelsea penalty etc.

We should watch matches for controversial decisions and then go and make sure the team that feel cheated know about FA Watch!
judleberry said:
I think that maybe to encourage as many other teams fans to get involved we should be clever in when we post on their forums to let them know, for example, now would be an excellent time to post on the BBurn's forum as they will be feeling hard done by after that stonewall penalty at the Emirates, and Spurs would have after the Chelsea penalty etc.

We should watch matches for controversial decisions and then go and make sure the team that feel cheated know about FA Watch!

Another good idea, well done that man or woman???? Either way good idea. Problem we have is the site isnt up yet to the public so if we bombard their sites they will try to log onto it and wont get very far, this means we look numpties so a little time (we are nearly there) will be worth the wait.
Everything is in place to hit every forum for every premiership team (starting with the premiership and moving down the leagues as and when we can) the second the site goes live.
Anyone has any really good ideas then feel free to PM me Moonbeams or Mark and we may put them in to action? We have had two tonight alone so....
I believe and hope that when we post on all the other forum sites that the majority who read what it is all about will play some active part. Iinitially I think we have to be prepared for a massive response.
let's not gorget that this is a much wider issue than reffing decisions on the filed.
This is about the lack of consistency in FA decision-making, particularly in relation to 'teflon top 4' clubs versus the rest of the league.

Issues such as the status of 'inappropriate conduct' , 'violent conduct' etc etc are in the spotlight as are the penalties meted out (or lack of them) when clubs or individuals are at the centre of such allegations / charges.

We want the FA to know that the whole football league's fans are keeping the blazers' conduct firmly in the spotlight... and that favouritism , chronyism, conflicts of interest (eg Ade being judged by an Aresnal fan and a Scum board member), etc are noted , logged and will be used in evidence ..via the national media if necessary.


Get stuck in , everyone and tell your mates supporting other clubs about it too
SboroBlu said:
I believe and hope that when we post on all the other forum sites that the majority who read what it is all about will play some active part. Iinitially I think we have to be prepared for a massive response.

I think we will see a huge responce, maybe more so than we realise. Either way this will go big and that can only help. Believe me the FA will be aware of this already, you only have to google the words fawatch and see what comes up.
I think FA watch have to be careful about how they approach other clubs supporters, we don't want to come across as only out to look after city. For example if united were ever hit by a genuine refereeing cock up (lol?) and/or inconsistent FA treatment then is FA watch prepared to follow it up?
nem said:
I think FA watch have to be careful about how they approach other clubs supporters, we don't want to come across as only out to look after city. For example if united were ever hit by a genuine refereeing cock up (lol?) and/or inconsistent FA treatment then is FA watch prepared to follow it up?
My response from the BBC in regards to the in depth detail that went into the adebayor stamp and the lack of it with rooney at the weekend.

Thanks for your e-mail regarding BBC One's 'Match of the Day'.

I understand that you're unhappy with how the team have addressed a stamp on Robin Van Persie in comparison with a recent Wayne Rooney incident in Manchester United's game against Sunderland. I note that you feel there's been a recent witch hunt against Manchester City.

I'm sorry if you've been unhappy with MOTD as I can assure you there's no intention to single out Manchester City for harsher criticism as you've suggested. Incidents are analysed by the programme's pundits on a case by case basis and we reject the claim that we helped to get Emmanuel Adebayor suspended.

The FA reviewed Adebayor's incident and decided that it was worthy of a ban, a ruling to which Manchester City decided against contesting. The FA disciplinary committee act based on their own policies, taking into account a referees report from the match in question, and not on the content of our highlights programmes. Nevertheless, if you feel they're not acting impartially, and are instead acting on the basis of media hype, I'd suggest contacting them directly to lodge a complaint:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.thefa.com/TheFA/WhoWeAre/ContactUs.aspx" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.thefa.com/TheFA/WhoWeAre/ContactUs.aspx</a>

Please be aware that the BBC isn't responsible for the content of external sites.

Inevitably not all of our viewers will agree with every game analysis on 'Match of the Day'. Our contributors are expected to provide their personal view on the action and events surrounding the match they're watching. All we can expect of them is a fair assessment based on their knowledge and experience. We do however employ different commentators, pundits and sports reporters to provide as wide a range of views as we can.

Nevertheless, I appreciate that you don't feel these recent analysis have been fair on Manchester City. We're guided by the feedback that we receive and to that end I'd like to assure you that I've registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that's circulated to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and senior management at BBC Sport.

The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.

I hope this helps with your concerns and thanks again for taking the time to contact us.


Craig Thompson
BBC Complaints

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