FA Watch

Copied from the Jonny Evans thread:

I have written to the FA on behalf of FA Watch, details as follows:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Your decision last September to charge the Manchester City player Emmanuel Adebayor with a charge of violent conduct sparked a lively debate in footballing circles, as fans wait to see whether you intend to intervene in other cases of violent conduct that may not been seen by match officials during the game.

I write to you on behalf of the ‘FA Watch’ campaign, which is published at <a class="postlink" href="http://www.fawatch.org" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.fawatch.org</a>.

In view of your decision to charge Mr Adebayor and in the interests of wishing the laws of the game to be applied in an even handed and consistent manner I refer you to an incident in the second half of the Chelsea v Manchester United game earlier today, when the Chelsea striker Didier Drogba was kicked in the chest by United defender Jonny Evans.

Given that the match referee booked Drogba for the incident it is quite possible he did not see the full extent of the incident, in which Evans appears to ‘deliberately take Drogba out’ in the course of heading the ball away.

Had he seen the incident in the circumstances so described, one would normally expect a red card to have been issued by Mr Atkinson for violent conduct. As it would seem he did not see the incident from the angle he was coming from, one would normally expect the FA to follow the matter up.

Representatives of FA Watch are scheduled to appear on BBC Radio Manchester next Tuesday and I anticipate this will be one of the incidents we will discuss.

Please let me know whether you intend to investigate the circumstances of the incident, and if so let me know the outcome of that investigation. Your comments will be published at the web address given above.

I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Yours faithfully,


I will post this up on the FA Watch thread as well, for obvious reasons.

Thanks for the clip, by the way. It certainly looks like there is a case to answer at the very least.

And finally, we have been told that Blue Tuesday is a two hour special this week from 6-8, and tha FA Watch will be on in the second hour from 7-8.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAz_wTv5bWI" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAz_wTv5bWI</a>
Anyone notice that Atkinson played 5 mins exact yesterday for injury time, even when they was a subsitution. Compare this to the derby.

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