Fabian Delph

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Better than Fernando, better stats than Fernandinho last year (although I believe Ferna is a better player) and offers a lot more defensively than Yaya.

Squad strengthened.

Can't compare to Fernando, completely different players. Delph is aa Fernandinho.

We strengthened the squad last season. We need to strengthen the 11 and Delph does not do that. Only positive is he's cheap which leaves plenty of money left to actually do what we should be doing this window
Not sure why you've got such an issue with this to be honest. I'd suggest, over the years, that Milner has played a significant role in our seasons, to one extent or another. Milner has now gone, Delph has now arrived. So now Delph will play a significant role. Yes, he's not the English version of Messi, but neither was Milner. He'll work his arse off, he'll pass the ball fairly well but not spectacularly, he'll get more than enough game time to make a "significant impact". He's not an "instead of Pogba" signing, he's a replacement for Milner.

What I just don't get is people thinking every single signing we make needs to be a £40m world class player. No squad, not even Barca or Real, is made up of 25 world class players. It's not possible to keep them all happy, and it's not affordable. Delph, a good quality player, a full England international, a player who at £8m is costing at most 50% of what he's actually worth, he ticks so many boxes it's unreal. Comparisons to Sinclair are just remarkably ill informed. The vast majority of City fans saw no sense in the Sinclair signing, he never demonstrated being good enough, even in a rotation role, for City. Delph is definitely good enough to play his part. He's certainly on a par with the likes of Fernando and Milner.

Milner was highly underrated mate, you're doing him a disservice to elevate Delph, IMO.

I'm not one of the people who want, or expect, every signing to be a £40m world class player, I'm just struggling to see this move as a worthwhile upgrade for the squad - particularly if he's been assured regular playing time.

he's certainly on a par with the likes of Fernando and Milner

I've made my point about doing Milner a disservice, I think he's a better player than Delph, and he couldn't cut it in the centre of our midfield. Centre mid is a much more integral position for a side like ours, at the highest level, than a wide position - a role Milner was very adept at fulfilling.

Fernando, frankly, is shite. He shouldn't be the standard we're holding players against, he shouldn't be anywhere near our first XI.

But of course, in that respect, Delph would be an upgrade. But then so would Aranguiz for example, a much greater upgrade for not much more than it's going to cost us to secure Delph, although of course minus the British passport.

As I said, I recognise the pros to the transfer, the arguments for it, but I'm not sold. Frankly.
IMHO he will take the place of NDJ he will fill the gap we have been missing , a bit of bite he will put himself about.
Not PP but will improve our squad
The people saying "why spend £8m on Delph, we should be paying £40m for Wilshere".

Ignoring the fact that £40m might not get us Wilshere, or that Arsenal might simply not want to sell, or that Wilshere might have no interest in leaving, or that Wilshere isn't actually world class anyway, and would be overpriced at £40m.
And those who are saying "Delph's a quality signing"

Ignoring the fact he's bang average and wouldn't get a second glance from the club if not for a low release clause and will more than likely sit on the bench more often than not. Again, I hope he proves me wrong but I don't get those who get "uppity" just because someone else doesn't adore the signing.
Quite happy with this signing. 8million in todays market is peanuts really and we have a HG player to replace lampard/milner. Every time I watched villa over the past couple of seasons he has worked his socksoff every time and kept their midfield ticking over.

This may not be a spectacular signing, thougb it is probably the most guaranteed one , in the sense that if delph hits the ground running we have a good addition to the squad and will play a part. However even if he doesnt fit in, we could always sell him for a profit (the prices in the market are likely to increase over thecoming years) .
And those who are saying "Delph's a quality signing"

Ignoring the fact he's bang average and wouldn't get a second glance from the club if not for a low release clause and will more than likely sit on the bench more often than not. Again, I hope he proves me wrong but I don't get those who get "uppity" just because someone else doesn't adore the signing.

They just get peeved because you're so clearly wrong. Furry muff, I think.
And those who are saying "Delph's a quality signing"

Ignoring the fact he's bang average and wouldn't get a second glance from the club if not for a low release clause and will more than likely sit on the bench more often than not. Again, I hope he proves me wrong but I don't get those who get "uppity" just because someone else doesn't adore the signing.

Absolutely get you're point about everyone not having to adore him and he will have to prove himself without a doubt.

The signing however has a purpose and I think he will improve with games and being around our squad.

If you think of some of the dross we've signed over the years for big money. This is value.
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