Fabian Delph

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If we were somehow able to sell Fernando for a similar fee, I'd have no problem with Delph coming in as a "like for like" replacement (i.e. fourth choice central midfielder, assuming we sign Pogba or another quality CM).
We will be lucky if someone wants Fernando .
Not right bothered about Delph
A better transfer would be Wilshire .
If he comes along with two or three world class talent he could be a good signing. Could give Villa Fernando too
I bet Villa wouldn't want Fernando .
Remember the last 2 signings Villa bought from us Ireland and Dunne .
According to the Mirror we can get him for £10m. I think he's a good player. I don't think he's as good as Fernando or Fernandinho though.
Really can't see this making any sense from a footballing standpoint.
It may however be a way of buying a home grown player on the cheap just to fulfill our quota, allowing us to spend the money where it really matters (ie Pogba)
Really can't see this making any sense from a footballing standpoint.
It may however be a way of buying a home grown player on the cheap just to fulfill our quota, allowing us to spend the money where it really matters (ie Pogba)
You may have answered your own question :)
Be a another Sinclair situation. Can't see pellers choosing him in front of FFY, and especially if we land Pogba as well. Hope he gets good advice on this one. From a selfish point of view though we need home grown quota so......
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