Similar situation with the rest of the print media. Having seen this thread for the first time this morning, I clicked on the ‘Mail’ link to read that article (I know I shouldn’t have.. I do feel dirty, forgive me..) and then checked the rest of the press and the BBC to see if they were running with it. Nothing on any of them, not a sausage..
Typical of how any story regarding City has been dealt with this past decade.. if it’s slightly positive in any way, shape or form, just one of the venal twunts ‘covers’ it, briefly.. but if it’s negative, it’s a media pile on, with a frenzy of anti-City headlines and articles.
I hope when all of this UEFA/G14/FIFA vs UEFA/Qatar vs Emirates/anti-Arab racism and so on and so on is all done and played out, the people behind all this anti-City stuff are exposed for what they are..