Failed Drug Tests - Rio F Interview reference MCFC

I've previously submitted this account of Wio's "missed" drug test before :
A friend of mine at the time , who is an eminent biologist ( and a ManUre fan ) advised me that a friend/colleague of his - a urologist - had related to him his part in this "missed" drug test saga.
We are told by Wio ( and his club ) that he completely forgot about his appointment with the testers and he had innocently left the club's premises overlooking his appointment .The club had tried to contact him on his mobile but it was switched off.
The urologist relates a different story. Notwithstanding that his 'phone was switched off' , the club (?) told Wio to speak to their (?) urologist. Wio asked the Urologist ( via his allegedly "switched off" phone ! ) "how long does it take for cocaine to clear his blood system ? " The urologist told him he should be in the clear the following morning.
It seems Wio turned up the following morning and gave a clear test.
Wio received a 6 month ban for missing the test conveniently timed to include the the summer break. At much the same time a Chelsea Goalkeeper ( ex ManU as it happens ) received a one year ban for failing a drug test where Cocaine involved.
As to Wio's extra marital affairs : look up Ferdinand vs MGN ( Mirror Group Newspapers ) - Wio was suing The Mirror for invasion of privacy.
Patrick O’Reilly
Take Naguie out of the scenario, it has no relevance to Ferdinand.

Ferdinando is a drugs cheat. FACT.

He'd had warnings from a number of sources,including playing colleagues regarding his habit and the likelihood of an unannounced, random test.

Due to him being an ignorant,arrogant rag who thought he was above the law he ignored good advice until....

When the testers arrived he got others to delay them whilst he escaped through a toilet window and got busy on the phone to his advisors and mates.

The rest of his explanation is lies,lies,lies and he was NOT BELIEVED by the authorities and was punished accordingly.

He has a permanent record of drug test evasion that will never be erased.

He's a drug cheat,a liar, a wife cheat and philander.

A fucking rag to his core !!
Add to the fact he never delivers anything of note in his dire punditry you have to wonder why he is used on TV, then you see the answer in your last sentence!

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