Fair Play to Van der Saar!

Re: Van Der Sar !!

I didnt see that from were I was sat just looked like to me he ran over to help him !! FUCK HIM then ! lol
erocsevil said:
As much as i hate them *****, and the twats that threw the coins, credit has to go to VDS for getting stuck in there straight away and trying to sort it out, having a right go at the fans!

credit to him for what trying to get rid of the shit thrown on the pitch so that the ref wouldnt put it in his match report he is a nob
Trigger said:
This is the same Van der Sar who dropped two bottles behind the hoardings so Webb wouldnt see them and the one who tried to get the coin off Barry who was having none of it!

Pleased to say the fan who through the coin has been arrested so his name will become known to all blues in the not to distant future.

this is what i was waiting for but i dont fancy going all the way to london or f****** singapore to sort the rag shite out
Trigger said:
alextrueblue said:
my view is that van der sar, tried to help bellers out by getting over there as fast as possible, fair play edwin well done.

I hope you watch it again because you are so wrong, he deliberately tries to cover up what went on!
I agree, he tried to cover up what was thrown by getting rid of the evidence. However I'm of the opinion that wasn't the reason he ran over to the corner flag in the first place, his initial action was to protect Bellamy and have a go at the throwers, once he'd done this his inate ragness kicked in and he had to spoil his earlier good behaviour by trying to dupe the ref.
It seems like he was removing evidence to be fair, and if he had a go at his own fans good for him, but to be fair, every normal human being would do that after what happened.
ricktee76 said:
MonsallBlue said:
The way I saw it he was trying to get rid of the evidence by throwing it off the pitch, even wanted the coin from bellamy as he tried to hand it to webb. Bellamy was having none of it and made sure it wentto the ref.


Totally Agree with this.... he was moving the bottles to behind the hoardings...... It it was the first thing he did, he went into the pitch to get them...and after that went towards the fans, if he was trying to calm the fans he would have gone straight to them....he's an experienced player and knows what other FA's have done to punish clubs after such incidents.... it was sneaky in my opinion.

Also, the rags first goal came from that corner incident.... Bellamy was unable to take the corner and that was the refs advice...... If Barry had been in usual corner poisition (edge of box) who knows where the corner would have ended up.

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