Famous people you've seen watching City

Georgian Maestro said:
Pope John Paul II in the main stand. He would regularly make secret papal visits to Maine Rd in the 78/79 season to see his favourite player Kaziu Deyna

God bless him.

Zack Dingle. Sat next to me, cup game against the irons at the eastlands a few years ago.
Noel Gallagher at the swamp in the cc.
Another soap legend, Les Battersby, players lounge Maine Rd.
a few more but im'e going to bed.

John henshaw in blk 104 a fews yrs ago my lad kept shouting give it Gordon !! And Cain dingle at Leeds away top lad !! .
The year we were really shit and slipped into Division 3 we played Forest who were going up and they had Kevin Campbell up front banging them in for fun.

In the main stand around the half way line and I am sat next to Bernard.

Every time Forest went forward he would mumble who is marking the N****R

I loved him on stage but maybe it wasn't all an act.
Maradona and Liam Gallagher were in the boxes above 202 against the rags at home. Maradona took LOTS of pictures with City fans and Sergio's Mrs was taking them, too.
Lord Lucan in the Chaddy End at Boundary Park,he said no one had ever thought to look for him in there,I noticed him as he was riding Shergar.
waterloo blue said:
Lord Lucan in the Chaddy End at Boundary Park,he said no one had ever thought to look for him in there,I noticed him as he was riding Shergar.

i heard, just a rumor like, like that they both flew in to Oldham International in a plane piloted by Amelia Earhart.

Billy Duffy used to watch City with us regulars in a (now defunct) NYC bar called The British Open

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