'Fans' giving blues a bad name


Well-Known Member
6 Dec 2007
Minding the gap
I can imagine this being a controversial point, but its something I'd like to see discussed.

Every club has its share of fans who are, well, tossers of the highest order. However I dont care about other fans but I do our own and the image they portray to the general public.

Barnsley at weekend, a couple of examples. On the train coming over, bout 10am, there was a group of 5 or 6 young lads and lasses having a sing song. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever. They were knocking back the strongbow's, which I wouldnt do at that time on a train but, thats just me. As the journey got on they got a bit more rowdy, started singing M***ch songs, and the Ryan giggs song a few times. They were quite a few elderly people in close proximately who visibly looked distressed and intimidated by the loud singing, language and them being drunk. The conductor came over and asked them to be quite and to stop drinking, but offered not to confiscate the booze. She (the conductor) got a fair bit of abuse, totally uncalled for.

It got to the point that the elderly people around got up and moved to a different carriage. A few stops later we all got off.

At the match, had a guy sat behind me, who wasnt there in the first half. Absolutely teared into the players, effing like mad about how shit they are. Spouting some racial stuff at Adebayor about elephants and his mother, when it comes to language it doesnt bother me at all but it was every other word from him, with it being a friendly, lots of young kids about and one Dad got up and told him to shut up. Probably happens at every game, one of those things.

Train coming back, im sat next to this guy on his own wearing the maroon and white stripe City shirt from some years ago. Tries talking to me, slurring like hell, and then falls asleep for the rest of the journey. Just as we're getting off the train, some nice looking lass (total stranger) dressed up for a night out walks past with her boyfriend. He grabs her, asks her where she's going, and says, "you dont wanna be with him, grab hold of my arm and I'll show you a good night" right in front of her boyfriend. They were only about 18/19.

That was just one match, but it really pissed me off, one thing that City fans are renowned for is our humour and just good fans to be around. Personally, I think the above is our of order and if this sort of stuff happens at every away game, I dont like the affect thats having on public opinion of us.

I think there is a time and a place, and some respect to the public should be given on public transport. Especially if theres kids and elderly around. If not then fine, sing away with all your cans, i'll join in, but there should be some respect for the people in the vacinity IMO.

Am i just being a whinge bag or do others share this view?
Agree with you totally. Unfortunately many have no sense of rationality whilst pissed, and so many feel the need to do so. You're always going to get it, and it embarrasses me a bit.
Totally agree. We could do without that sort supporting our club. Just a shame society has gone this way and to many people this would be " what's the problem it's just a bit of fun"
Nelly's Left Foot said:
pissedagain said:
like it or not that is the norm and not just city its every team

That's the problem!!!!!!! To some it's the norm and thus in some way acceptable. So sad.

Agree, it may be the norm, but I always liked to think City fans were different.
We seem to have a (sadly) rising number of pricks (and, presumably, prick-esses) "supporting" our team. You only have to look on this forum at any given time. It's very disappointing.
Yes, I share your distaste at this sort of behaviour, but there's absolutely nothing new about it. Youngsters have always gone out in large groups and made a bit of a nuisance of themselves, it's been going on for decades and decades (think Teddy Boys in the 50's, Mods and Rockers in the 60's). I think it only really caught your attention because they were fellow City fans and that's why you were concerned, lest they give the club a bad reputation.
i ve been going a long time, gangs of lads and alcohol, they love to show off, i m not saying its right or that i do it but it happens, if you think city are better than anyone else you must be mad
Now that you older lot have grown up, you like to have a go at the youth, but i see the whole problem that is all this behaviour is down to how you acted in you hayday, Moonich songs would not be sung today if you hadnt carried it on through the years, the ones of todays era are just want to be hooligans, they buy abit of clobber, have a few ciders then think they are proper naughty. so again they are trying to emulate hooligans of the by gone era, which again lays blame to the 80's and the 90's era.

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