FAO all Hughes outers

TaylorWill07 said:
what a silly thread. hughes was clueless!!!

I don't think this fella's much better either. Give me a 4-3 win over Sunderland than the kind of clueless, insipid and generally inept displays we've seen in most games thus far under Mancini. True enough he needs time, but then so did Hughes and you can perm any three from the more than a dozen managers since Tony Book won the League Cup in 1976. Chopping and changing isn't the answer this time any more than it was the answer in December, but there you go, that's City for you.

All this money and only the names change...
Now you really are seeing the damage Hughes has done, he should have been removed a long time ago, he either bought crocks or donkeys.
I think his masterpiece was buying Jimmy Clitheroe and putting him in goal.
Hughes was shit! yes it was exciting, and we always looked like scoring, but we also always looked like conceding! he hasn't got a clue. I'm not saying mancini is perfect, far from it, obviously! but i think IF he can get us through this awful period then he can turn the corner. He's still new to the english game, and yes we should probably have got someone with experience of the league in first, but we didnt.

I'm not going to get on the managers back, because quite frankly, the players should be trying harder, and we had a very unfair red card against us tonight. Obviously i want us to improve, and i think if we lose against chelsea and tottenham then he may be leaving very short after, but. . . I am willing mancini on every step of the way because i am desperate for him aswell as city to do well, he is a legend, great personality, great for the game, just needs to sort this out PRONTO!!!
Vegas said:
If Mancini had built this team spending £200 million in the process, then perhaps calling for his head might carry merit but he didn't. In fact, there wasn't one player on the pitch that he had bought so it might be wiser trying to justify Hughes outlay than having a pop at Mancini.

Good post, in a pointless thread.

Hughes wasn't the man.

Mancini doesn't look like he's the man, at least not with Hughes squad.
In respomse to this latest pining and tearful cry for lover-boy Hughes I have been instructed to respond with the following extract from The Mark Hughes Big Book Of Excuses.

Take you pick which one you want to use.

"Whenever I am getting shit results I pull up a bowl of leek soup, get a new perm and consider which of the following beauties I am going to tell people with a straight face.

1 - I can't be expected to be getting anything like consistent results, I've only been here a full season.

2 - I can't be expected to get near the results of the previous manager as, despite all the facts saying otherwise, everything and everyone associated with the club before I arrived were a pile of shit.

3 - I can't be expected to get results that are up to the standard of player at the club in my first twelve months as I have not been given the time to replace 90% of the first team squad.

4 - I cannot be expected to get a team to perform to its potential until I have been given at least £200m to spend on it.

5 - I cannot be expected to get a team to perform to its potential until I have had two or three pre seasons.

6 - I cannot be expected to get results with players that someone else bought because they are almost all workshy, unprofessional, disgusting bastards and only players that have been brought to the club by me personally can be trusted to be up to the required standard and not complete bastards whose only priority is to let me down (this goes for staff too)

7 - It doesn't matter if I can't get good results as this is all mitigated by unsubstantiated claims that I am doing brilliant work 'behind the scenes'. It is only a coincidence that improvements to facilities 'behind the scenes' have occured since the club became rich. These improvements are down to me personally and could not and would not have occured if anyone else was manager.

Now, I believe Mancini hasn't resorted to any of those yet, so by my reckoning he has at least twelve months of excuse making left before most people are going to start asking questions.

I do hope he has a copy of this publication.
Who would of got the praise if we would of made it to Wembley then in the league cup?
mark hughes is a fucking bellend, we did the right thing getting rid of him but perhaps we didnt get the right man in but he is still better than hughes..if we had hughes we wouldn't have even got extra time tonight
£200Million wasn't spent by Mark FACT... Gary Cooke and Marwood signed at least 4 players against Hughes wish FACT. Management starts at the Top we happen 2 guys C&M who everyones pxxxxx off. I say keep Mancini and get rid of Cook and Marwood
It just wasnt supposed to be like this was it lads. In just over half a season we have had a player shot at for 20 mins in Africa, a goalkeeper denied a place in the world cup by a french hand of god, a players wife shagged by half is old team mates, a blokes wife giving birth to a baby prem 2 million miles away and absolutly no idea what or where he is, a manager sacked for drawing to many games, an Italian style superstar brought to replace him who has managed to de-style the club so damatically from Armani to Armatage Shanks in about 2 months, and a team of supporters who are rowing about .........well just about anything at the moment.
It just wasnt supposed to be like this was it lads.

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