FAO The Blue Alliance

im a southstander. the corner does seem to be louder this season but i would still say the players appreciate that the only places that create any atmosphere are us and the singing section.
ell said:
jimmym_mcfc said:
how are south standers arrogant ?? were just passonate and when the north stand is like a libary its frustrating thats the only reason people comaplain

111 is just full of young hooligan wana be's really who only sing about the away team and united

saying that though the ss has gone quieter and that coming from a south stander
The way they used to come on here thinking they were the greatist supporters ever lived and the way they slagged off the north stand when its full of 7year olds who are more interested in there halftime hotdog than the match. Personally I think the northstand is better than east level 3!

ok so one south stander slags off the north stand and the ss is arrogant ?

at times the south stand is really rocking and can create a really good atmosphere

everywhere in the stadium is poor for atmosphere except the ss and the corner
Immagine going home to the missus and telling her you had just become a part of 'The Blue Alliance', or telling some of your mates down the pub.
bluemoonmcfc said:
Immagine going home to the missus and telling her you had just become a part of 'The Blue Alliance', or telling some of your mates down the pub.

With my mates i'd get as far as 'Blue al....' then i'd be on the floor, dead, with them spitting beer at me. Said it before, nor offence the the B/A, the younger fan obviously will have different ideas to the older fan who spent years and years stood next to blokes in the Kippax, stinking of fag smoke and getting into heated banter about how shite we are! To me that is what going to the match used to be about. I used to get a buzz off standing slightly to the right of centre in the Kippax, away fans to our right, blokes giving it large and making noise without the need for flags and a 'named' group. Again, no offenc meant and good luck to you for doing/trying something different, however for me it is best left to the Italian/Spanish clubs and us English fans just going bonkers as and when. As I say though, i'm from the older lot in the Kippax so...
I've said it so many times.

If the South Stand and 111 were together the atmosphere overall would be much better.
Pigeonho said:
bluemoonmcfc said:
Immagine going home to the missus and telling her you had just become a part of 'The Blue Alliance', or telling some of your mates down the pub.

With my mates i'd get as far as 'Blue al....' then i'd be on the floor, dead, with them spitting beer at me. Said it before, nor offence the the B/A, the younger fan obviously will have different ideas to the older fan who spent years and years stood next to blokes in the Kippax, stinking of fag smoke and getting into heated banter about how shite we are! To me that is what going to the match used to be about. I used to get a buzz off standing slightly to the right of centre in the Kippax, away fans to our right, blokes giving it large and making noise without the need for flags and a 'named' group. Again, no offenc meant and good luck to you for doing/trying something different, however for me it is best left to the Italian/Spanish clubs and us English fans just going bonkers as and when. As I say though, i'm from the older lot in the Kippax so...

Cheers again for your fantastic support.

OK, so lets say we didn't have a name as such. How would we be able to communicate with people on facebook, twitter, blog etc. unless we came under a name? I don't think calling it something like 'liamctid and his mates who go to watch City' would go down well.

And presumably you don't tell your mates and bird that you spend hours on a forum/online community? Sorry if we're the sad ones bluemoonmcfc.
Didsbury Dave said:
I've said it so many times.

If the South Stand and 111 were together the atmosphere overall would be much better.
the only way that would work is put the away fans were 112 111 110 is, an then move 112 111 110 fans next to southstand.
i dont want it to change but i wouldnt mind this, if it happened.
liamctid said:
Pigeonho said:
With my mates i'd get as far as 'Blue al....' then i'd be on the floor, dead, with them spitting beer at me. Said it before, nor offence the the B/A, the younger fan obviously will have different ideas to the older fan who spent years and years stood next to blokes in the Kippax, stinking of fag smoke and getting into heated banter about how shite we are! To me that is what going to the match used to be about. I used to get a buzz off standing slightly to the right of centre in the Kippax, away fans to our right, blokes giving it large and making noise without the need for flags and a 'named' group. Again, no offenc meant and good luck to you for doing/trying something different, however for me it is best left to the Italian/Spanish clubs and us English fans just going bonkers as and when. As I say though, i'm from the older lot in the Kippax so...

Cheers again for your fantastic support.

OK, so lets say we didn't have a name as such. How would we be able to communicate with people on facebook, twitter, blog etc. unless we came under a name? I don't think calling it something like 'liamctid and his mates who go to watch City' would go down well.

And presumably you don't tell your mates and bird that you spend hours on a forum/online community? Sorry if we're the sad ones bluemoonmcfc.

Stop being so defuckingffensive. I said, 'no offence meant', twice. You have answered your own question though, because back in the day there were not even mobile phones, let elone twitter and facebook! It was about meeting in the Sherwood, going to the ground and standing where you usually stoodm with blokes who stood where they usually stood too. Over the season you would geet to know each other and meet for a pint that way. That is why I said the younger fan will have different ideas than what the older fan is used too. I'm only 32 by the way, not some 50 yr old who has seen it all. I started going as an 11 year old and fell in love, immediately, with the harshness of the Kippax and I was devo'd when it went to all seater. When I went to COMS I was in tears, (effectively), at the lack of atmosphere, but hey ho, the game moves on and in your own way you are doing something about that, it just isn't my cup of tea... get it?

Oh, and I have the pleasure of working from home, so whether my mates and mrs know or not, I am on here to pass away the hours of boredom my job can bring.
stu the blue 85 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I've said it so many times.

If the South Stand and 111 were together the atmosphere overall would be much better.
the only way that would work is put the away fans were 112 111 110 is, an then move 112 111 110 fans next to southstand.
i dont want it to change but i wouldnt mind this, if it happened.

That, or move the away fans to the half ofthe South stand which is currently City. That must be pretty easy as noone lose the quality of their set - you can just have the mirror image of it, if you know what I mean.

The South Stand's songs rarely spread round the ground because they are next to the least vocal part of the stadium.
Didsbury Dave said:
stu the blue 85 said:
the only way that would work is put the away fans were 112 111 110 is, an then move 112 111 110 fans next to southstand.
i dont want it to change but i wouldnt mind this, if it happened.

That, or move the away fans to the half ofthe South stand which is currently City. That must be pretty easy as noone lose the quality of their set - you can just have the mirror image of it, if you know what I mean.

The South Stand's songs rarely spread round the ground because they are next to the least vocal part of the stadium.
you mean the colin bell southstand corner mate?

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