FAO The Hamburg fans posting over the last few weeks...

How good is it to have a game in europe now with no trouble. The Hamburg fans joined in the party at the game, deserved their overall victory and driving home I passed loads who were walking into town amongst the city fans, proudly wearing scarfs for both teams. Hope they treasure their new souvineers and go on to win the trophy
I stuck around after clapping the teams off with my lad and the bond between the Hamburg team and its fans was an absolute pleasure to see in a football club. The whole of there team came over to there fans applauding and taking the adulations but then they stopped and all sat down on the pitch taking in the atmosphere from there section until the vast majority of City fans had left (This definately looked expected by both players and fans almost like a level of respect) because then there Keeper went over into there fans and got that bloody megaphone and started leading the chanting !! Im not sure if any more took on the mantle because by then I felt like a bit of a peeping tom at there party and so left.
Nixon_The_Bike_Thief said:
I stuck around after clapping the teams off with my lad and the bond between the Hamburg team and its fans was an absolute pleasure to see in a football club. The whole of there team came over to there fans applauding and taking the adulations but then they stopped and all sat down on the pitch taking in the atmosphere from there section until the vast majority of City fans had left (This definately looked expected by both players and fans almost like a level of respect) because then there Keeper went over into there fans and got that bloody megaphone and started leading the chanting !! Im not sure if any more took on the mantle because by then I felt like a bit of a peeping tom at there party and so left.

I stayed and saw that too. Top drawer.
They deffo added to the atmosphere last night and it was a pleasure to have them.I think when we went 2-1 up and were throwing the kitchen sink at them they were a bit shell shocked but they supported their side throughout.I will now always look out for HSV results and would hope that they enjoyed there time in Manchester enough to do the same.
Great day. They were singing at back of the bus up to the ground, Me, mate and about 10 hamburg fans were in the co-op near shambles and had a good sing song, shook plenty of hands. Brilliant!

P.S I saw a flag saying RGF on it in the Hamburg section, was that you MattRGF???

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