Farewell Headless Chicken ....

DontLookBackInAnger said:
Always gave 100% and he never tried to hide on the field, sadly at the highest level that's not enough, good luck, and I'm sure he will have a long and solid career.

Agree with this
bellbuzzer said:
good luck to an honest trier. But why was he signed in the first place? was it just for his workrate or did some-one mistake him for a footballer?
Our utility midfielders was Jai Sun at the time, that should have been reason enough!
He needs to do the Stephen Ireland summer workout and bulk up. Then he would be able to do that shielding role much better. As it is he can be shrugged off by the likes of Crouch.

A good guy though, has been very professional his whole time here so good luck to him.
Adding my well wishes to him. Unlucky that he never really made it here. He will do well in France, with a bit of first team football, he will be fine. He will probably be a top player one day, as he only lacks strength and composure, both of which come as you get older. Of all the fringe players at City, he is the one I can see really making the grade.

Goodbye Gelson, and good luck.
Best of luck to him. I will always remember him for that bueaty he scored at St. James' park a few years ago, hope he has a good career.
Have we actually made a profit on him too?

Good luck and thank you Gelson.

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