Farewell Headless Chicken ....

I think he deserves our respect. He is in that category of players that regardless of playing time, once he gets on the field, he works his ass off. I like Gelson a lot and hate to see him leave but it is the right thing for him. Best Wishes.
good luck to him he is a victim of our progress ,obviously not good enough to be with us on our quest for success , nevertheless no need for the odd insult some of our support albeit a minority are beginning to sound like rags and bin dipping glory hunters.
squirtyflower said:
majacaho said:
Gelson Fernandes may not be the best player city have had but deserves more respect than this . i do expect him to leave this summer and i hope he will have the best career he can .
Agree with this, he always gave his best, wanted the team to win and played with his heart on his sleeve. I think some ned to remember he is only young and was 20 when he came to the club.

Exactly, better than DV at least hes is young and will improve
I know it's not really gospel, but wikipedia says

He signed for Manchester City from FC Sion on 14 July 2007 for an undisclosed fee, believed to be around 6 million euros (£4.2m), which would make his sale the second highest transfer in the history of the Swiss League.
I am a big fan of Gelson and this is a good move for him. He may not have had the best of seasons but we need to remember how young he is. Every time I have seen him in an International game he has played really well. I can see him one day becoming a really top player, possibly Champions League standard. Sadly not with us.

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