Fav sweets and drinks as a kid


Pre decimal

Little Black Sambo bubble gum (I kid you not)

4 for a penny.
moggymoz said:
Liquorice Wood.

This site is great by the way <a class="postlink" href="http://www.aquarterof.co.uk/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.aquarterof.co.uk/</a> if you fancy indulging in any of your old favourites...

Amazing the fun that could be had chewing what was to all intents and purposes a twig,

I remember Spangles and Penny Arrows which were originally about six inches long when first sold and gradually reduced to about two inches over the years.
old english spangles - to die for.

jelly tots - dad used to bring three of us a small bag each on rare treat occasions. We would make them last for ages by tearing off a corner of the packet, placing the packet on a tray and taking turns to throw a tennis ball at it. the ones that came out were yours! Better than watching the little 12" black and white telly!

later 10p got a large pack of revels from the little shop across the back field most saturday mornings

later still cherry lips and floral gums from the sweet shop waiting for the bus after school. I used to order four separate quarters to make it look like I wasn't a greedy little shit!

later still a lolly from the school tuck shop that was chocolate on yellow banana ice cream (with the most bizarre, creaky texture) with toffee in the middle - used to just keep going back for "just one more" like a crazed junkie - there was a monkey on the packet (well, a picture of one)

during O levels I got kind of weirdly addicted to victory Vs. My tongue became all infected and wouldn't fit in my mouth for a while - which was nice...

chewy cigarettes/cigars in brown paper

for drinks - american cream soda, dandelion and burdock, cider, lager, red wine - as ive aged...
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
Dandilion and Burdock

I was the depot manager at the Stockport Depot for a few years
looks like a Photo of round 5

Spanish Gold btw hmmm sweet tobacco
oakiecokie said:
Corona Raspberryade ... a truly wonderful drink.
Woolworths Rum and Butter Sweets.Fucking hell they were hard and once you finally got them gooey enough after about 10 minutes chewing they didn`t half stick to your bastard teeth.but the taste was superb.
Chocolate Chewing Nuts.

Chewing nuts were great.

My favourite Corona flavour was Limeade.

Mo Jos , Black Jacks and Fruit Salad, all four for one old penny were very tasty, as were Penny Arrows and Quiz Bars.

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