Favourite 5 Films?

Greiver said:
1. Star Wars
2. Lord of the Rings
3. Braveheart
4. The Matrix
5. Troy
6. Gladiator
7. Fight Club
8. Indiana Jones
9. Saving Private Ryan
10. The Last Samurai

Good choice apart from Troy[ and you had 10 !]
semi-filmbuff. Picking a top 5 is impossible though.

Saving Private Ryan is up there, that would probably be on the list. Love a good war film. Top 5...I'll do one, but it's by no means final, just 5 good films I can think of now... :)

Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Shawshank Redemption...not something one can bring out any day since it's so long, but an amazing film. Almost made me cry, and that's hard!
The Godfather part II, superior to the first, and that's saying something!
Forrest Gump - very american of course, but it works, love it!
The Matrix, maybe not always on my list, but it really was a fantastic film! Too bad the sequels were shit though.

No surprises at all there today. But I might as well have put in Bridge on the River Kwai or whatever.
in every ones top 5 you think shit forgot about that one.

Another one from me.
1.Forbidden Planet
3.Erin Borkavitch
5.kung fu hustle
MCfcBOB said:
1. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
2. The Day After Tomorrow
3. i'Robot
4. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
5. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Note to self, never go to the movies with MCfcBOB

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