FC united of Bury moving on my doorstep...... :(

sirtaki said:
lloydie said:
Had they a true and honest interest in Non-league football they would have gone and watched one of the many clubs in the area that could have done with their support. They have used their financial muscle to the detriment of those clubs, many with long and proud histories. I've spoken to quite a few fans of other NL clubs they've visited and to a man they despise FCUM and their fans. Whereas most fans will treat an awayday to another NL club as an opportunity to make friends, FCUM always leave a nasty smell. To say they have no ambition beyond Non-league would be a downright lie. I'm unaware that they had any defined community locality for which they provide community work and suspect any they do will have been done for opportunistic reasons, opportunistic is their DNA. They are the bastard offspring spawn of a despicable behemoth and no public money should be granted to a private members club for dickheads.
So you are saying, no new clubs ever, let things stagnate?....... some in the lower leagues say FCUM are a breath of fresh air, much needed publicity and money for the non Arab league.

-- Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:43 pm --

WNRH said:
"Won't pay glazer or work for Sky"

but give us £67,000 and you can put us on Babestation for all we care, fuck our morals and one of the main reasons we were formed.
I thought It was an non sky cup game, never mind, just make things up eh.

Read back please.
Read back please, money is mentioned.
A new facebook page has been set up by a campaigning group ''Residents United'' (yes yes I know....) and I urge all Mostonian's who are up in arms over this proposal to register.
There are 3 weeks before the local elections, so time to put pressure on the 3 local councillors (who are very quiet on this issue) and ensure that Moston retains as much green space for future years and future generations.
There are brown sites in the area FCUM can develop, just not on green and open areas.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_122053714538365&ref=notif&notif_t=group_activity#!/home.php?sk=group_123958517681131&ap=1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=gro ... 81131&ap=1</a>
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
A new facebook page has been set up by a campaigning group ''Residents United'' (yes yes I know....) and I urge all Mostonian's who are up in arms over this proposal to register.
There are 3 weeks before the local elections, so time to put pressure on the 3 local councillors (who are very quiet on this issue) and ensure that Moston retains as much green space for future years and future generations.
There are brown sites in the area FCUM can develop, just not on green and open areas.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_122053714538365&ref=notif&notif_t=group_activity#!/home.php?sk=group_123958517681131&ap=1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=gro ... 81131&ap=1</a>

why not let them move in the mini coms then

the place they are talking about is spot on for them and the people of moston
it been in need of something like this for years
the kids in moston need this
the people in moston need this
the shops/pubs need this

whats wrong with it
its a dump at the moment not a green belt land they are talking about the top end of broadhurst fields there is a old speed bike race track and that used to be a old tennis courts red sand if am right
and a old bowling greens on the other side of the walk way to the park

am not a fcum fan but if you are a man city fan who just want to knock it then thats sad
ancoats said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
A new facebook page has been set up by a campaigning group ''Residents United'' (yes yes I know....) and I urge all Mostonian's who are up in arms over this proposal to register.
There are 3 weeks before the local elections, so time to put pressure on the 3 local councillors (who are very quiet on this issue) and ensure that Moston retains as much green space for future years and future generations.
There are brown sites in the area FCUM can develop, just not on green and open areas.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_122053714538365&ref=notif&notif_t=group_activity#!/home.php?sk=group_123958517681131&ap=1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=gro ... 81131&ap=1</a>

why not let them move in the mini coms then

the place they are talking about is spot on for them and the people of moston
it been in need of something like this for years
the kids in moston need this
the people in moston need this
the shops/pubs need this

whats wrong with it
its a dump at the moment not a green belt land they are talking about the top end of broadhurst fields there is a old speed bike race track and that used to be a old tennis courts red sand if am right
and a old bowling greens on the other side of the walk way to the park

am not a fcum fan but if you are a man city fan who just want to knock it then thats sad

You clearly havent been reading the posts or accessed the facebook page.
I am not against this because I am a City fan and they are FCUM. Moston is not a dump - or no greater dump than many other inner city districts of Manchester. Over the past few years a lot of green space has been built on for housing - Ashley Fields for eg as well as wooded area on Victoria Avenue being cut down as I type to make way for the new development on the boys school site.....
I have NO issue with FCUM being in Moston, just not on green and open space. Yes there is an overgrown former cycle speedway track - but would you rather live across the road from that or a 5,000 capacity football stadium and car park?
The kids in Moston already play on the land and have access to an astroturf at the boys school up the road.
The pubs have already shut in Moston and you can bet that FCUM fans will drink ONLY in their own club house to put the profits back into their own club.
The people living in the area will see increased noise pollution and a decrease in the value in their house...... so they dont need it....
The survival of Moston as a district of Manchester is not dependant on FCUM parachuting into the area....... but the survival of FCUM as a football team is dependant on being in Moston.......
Brown field sites yes. Green field sites NO
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
ancoats said:
why not let them move in the mini coms then

the place they are talking about is spot on for them and the people of moston
it been in need of something like this for years
the kids in moston need this
the people in moston need this
the shops/pubs need this

whats wrong with it
its a dump at the moment not a green belt land they are talking about the top end of broadhurst fields there is a old speed bike race track and that used to be a old tennis courts red sand if am right
and a old bowling greens on the other side of the walk way to the park

am not a fcum fan but if you are a man city fan who just want to knock it then thats sad

You clearly havent been reading the posts or accessed the facebook page.
I am not against this because I am a City fan and they are FCUM. Moston is not a dump - or no greater dump than many other inner city districts of Manchester. Over the past few years a lot of green space has been built on for housing - Ashley Fields for eg as well as wooded area on Victoria Avenue being cut down as I type to make way for the new development on the boys school site.....
I have NO issue with FCUM being in Moston, just not on green and open space. Yes there is an overgrown former cycle speedway track - but would you rather live across the road from that or a 5,000 capacity football stadium and car park?
The kids in Moston already play on the land and have access to an astroturf at the boys school up the road.
The pubs have already shut in Moston and you can bet that FCUM fans will drink ONLY in their own club house to put the profits back into their own club.
The people living in the area will see increased noise pollution and a decrease in the value in their house...... so they dont need it....
The survival of Moston as a district of Manchester is not dependant on FCUM parachuting into the area....... but the survival of FCUM as a football team is dependant on being in Moston.......
Brown field sites yes. Green field sites NO


I drove past the site yesterday and a number of banners etc had been put up on the fence & cabin (probably by residents) which I suspect would be to show that local people are against the proposal, they were unlikely to be anything else were they?
I intended to stop off this morning and take some pictures but when I got there they had been pulled down (bits were still there but none of the writing).
Did anyone else see them and what they said or know anything about who pulled them down?
Seems those pushing for this are not likely to listen to what residents have to say, but that shouldn't stop the effort to oppose it - again not because it's FCUM but from the fact of where it is proposed.
Robbo said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
You clearly havent been reading the posts or accessed the facebook page.
I am not against this because I am a City fan and they are FCUM. Moston is not a dump - or no greater dump than many other inner city districts of Manchester. Over the past few years a lot of green space has been built on for housing - Ashley Fields for eg as well as wooded area on Victoria Avenue being cut down as I type to make way for the new development on the boys school site.....
I have NO issue with FCUM being in Moston, just not on green and open space. Yes there is an overgrown former cycle speedway track - but would you rather live across the road from that or a 5,000 capacity football stadium and car park?
The kids in Moston already play on the land and have access to an astroturf at the boys school up the road.
The pubs have already shut in Moston and you can bet that FCUM fans will drink ONLY in their own club house to put the profits back into their own club.
The people living in the area will see increased noise pollution and a decrease in the value in their house...... so they dont need it....
The survival of Moston as a district of Manchester is not dependant on FCUM parachuting into the area....... but the survival of FCUM as a football team is dependant on being in Moston.......
Brown field sites yes. Green field sites NO


I drove past the site yesterday and a number of banners etc had been put up on the fence & cabin (probably by residents) which I suspect would be to show that local people are against the proposal, they were unlikely to be anything else were they?
I intended to stop off this morning and take some pictures but when I got there they had been pulled down (bits were still there but none of the writing).
Did anyone else see them and what they said or know anything about who pulled them down?
Seems those pushing for this are not likely to listen to what residents have to say, but that shouldn't stop the effort to oppose it - again not because it's FCUM but from the fact of where it is proposed.

Yes i took a pic of the first banner that went up Sunday/Monday and then when i was walking my daughter to school on the Tuesday morning two more had been put up, and then walking my daughter to school on Wednesday morning we noticed they had all been ripped down !! my wife on passing that way on Tuesday night at about 23.25pm said she saw someone acting strange need the fence so i take it, that it was that person who ripped them down ....
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
Two banners:
1. Moston says NO - FC OFF Our Field

2. This park was given to the people of Manchester NOT just for football. Disgusted

Have you been up St Marys Rd near the park people are putting signs in the windows saying something like :-

Residents United - Leave our playing fields alone no stadium wanted here

or something to that effect :)
well ripping up the banners put up by Moston residents.

is this FC Uniteds idea of democracy, is this a foretaste of what is to come........

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