FC United - Oral Hearing - judge rejects appeal (p 82)

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Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - letter in MEN Friday

At last - people of Manchester are starting to suss the council out!
Saturday's MEN Postbag

''Keep Pool Open''
At the same time as Manchester council can find money for FC United's stadium, we have been told that they do not have enough money to save Miles Platting pool (Varley St baths).
It will have to close in December and we have been told that our nearest pool is the one that is to be built in Beswick.
But that is no good to us, how are we meant to get there? Our centre has pools and a gym and all for £10 a month. I wonder if the new pool will be so cheap?
The council is forever telling us to get fit, then they take away our facilities to do so. Sorry, but no one ever got fit watching football.

Annoyed Swimmers.
Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - letter in MEN Saturday

A football fan is born and bred and loyal till the day they die,

Why are we talking about these low life, treacherous, cowards.

Loyalty is everything, even for a man united fan, these clowns shame our game and the club they once supported.

Once a BLUE always a BLUE.

Re: Manchester City Council Loan FC United £550K and.....

Pigeonho said:
It's 5 minutes walk from me this cunting stadium, (or planned stadium that should be). Anyone who knows the location will know that parking for a match attracting a thousand or so punters is going to be a fucking nightmare. They play Sunday league matches there at the minute, and St Mary's Road becomes a fucker at times, and that's just for 40 or so players and spectators. If that becomes a thousand on a match day for FCUoM, fuck that for a laugh. Also, if they play on Sundays alot of the church goers park around there too. Its going to be hell.
Hell For Church Goers!

Good headline. lol
Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - AndyFCUM replies (see page 7)

Mad Eyed Screamer said:
AndyFcum said:
Phil, lets see if we can get up to 2000!!- it's been worth it so far for the commandeering remark so far, and also your exposed hypocrisy, lol.

BTW, Fc United volunteers delivered around 10,000 leaflets to addresses right across the Moston ward in support of our planning application. Why do you deny that the same people wouldn't go knocking on the same doors to get signatures of support? I'm sure we were seen and where do you think all of our thousands of signatures came from, with addresses - its a matter of public record. Those too far from the development don't count the same, do they Phil? I did it myself for a few days across the Fairway estate all around Lightbowne Road and streets off Broadway and i'm just one person from dozens of volunteers. You can't live in denial forever that people don't want the stadium - the majority of people I spoke to when knocking on doors support it, they really do; even three Man City season card holders (2 on the Fairway, one off Lightbowne Road), signed up for the Yes campaign for me.

I never made the commandeering remark.
Exposed hypocrisy? er, where? That the MEN wrongly put me down as being a leader of a breakaway City fans club that never even happened? (shakes head). If you are trying to somehow discredit me on here by using that article from however many years ago it was, then you really are scraping the bottom of a very deep barrel.

We didn't collect signatures at Morrisons in Failsworth, but we did do a bag packing fundraising session - you know, the one that was abandoned after a few FCUM ''phone calls'' to the manager. Very ''community minded'' I must say....

Yes I know you delivered 10,000 leaflets (paid for via tax payers) through Moston doors (where did I deny that). I received one myself which you'll be pleased to know was recycled and not thrown in the bin. There's a difference between shoving a leaflet through the door and getting someone to answer the door. I went all the way down the Fairway and Lightbowne Road (around the former Lightbowne pub end) and I'd say for every 6 doors knocked on, one would answer. On the Fairway, I collected 17 signatures (yes some from reds who said they couldn't stand FCUM, but as i pointed out to them, it's a Green issue, not a Blue v Red issue) and only 3 knock backs - one from a couple who did not speak English at all.

Of course, it is well known that one individual FCUM fan ''collected'' signatures ''within the M40 area'' by ASKING FANS OUTSIDE M40 / MANCHESTER TO SEND THEIR LETTER (MINUS NAME AND ADDRESS) TO HIM AND HE WOULD ADD A FRIENDS M40 NAME AND ADDRESS TO IT.
Straight question AndyFCUM - do you deny that happened??
And before you answer that, I have screen shots of the request to fans to do this from the fcum fans forum and also a copy of the email I sent in to this one individual (using an anonymous name / email address) and his reply back to me thanking me for taking part in this fraudulent action.
So AndyFCUM, what I would like to know is how many out of the 2000 odd ''local'' letters claimed to have been sent in by ''local M40 people'' were in fact sent in to the council fraudulently?

Oh, the one fan doing the fraudulent activity is also one of the two fans who made a call to Morrisons. What a schemer!

Over to you.

Andy where are you to answer the truth that MES as asked and it is the truth because ive seen those fraudulent letters too and the fan who instigated it lives on Belgrave Rd do you know him ? sure you do!
Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - letter in MEN Saturday

Thanks Tueartsoverhead Kick

Here is the original request for outside ''M40'' fans to send in letters, taken from the fcum fans forum - FCUM New Moston is the screen name of the fraudulent individual. Worth reading in its entirety but the actual request is highlighted in bold:

FCUM New Moston

Joined: 09 Jan 2011
Posts: 214
Location: NEW MOSTON
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:50 pm Post subject:
Oddball wrote: I'll be getting a couple of others to do the same. They also have M postcodes in their address which i believe is regarded as ideal if people are going to send a letter.

Yes, as far as I have been told people's letters who live <1km away hold the most sway, then people in the M40 post code area along with the adjacent OL9 which will be looked upon favourably also.

However, and by no means last anyone with a Manchester post code will also have their letters taken into account too.

PS/ Tony Nuttall from Barnsley - You're f****d pal. Better write a letter and I will find you an M40 address. I know loads of people.

PPS/ In fact Private Message me for my email addresses to anyone who wants to write a letter and I will then affix an address to it and get the resident to sign it. I will carbon copy you into any I do so that you will have the satisfaction of knowing that your letters will hold the greater weight.


I have also emailed this to Cllr Mike Amesbury so he can see that maybe 2400 odd people from ''M40'' didn't actually send in letters of support, but many of them were rigged so Tony Nuttall from Barnsley could have his opinion counted as if he lived on Lightbowne Road. Shameful, shameful episode.
Re: FC United fan's request for fraudulent letters (p14)

If you believe this to be true why haven't you made a complaint to the police who would have to investigate fraud against the council ?

also the council if made aware of a possible fraud they would have to put the deal on hold whilst it was investigated and you would have got a positive result in your opposition to the proposed move
Re: FC United fan's request for fraudulent letters (p14)

All for it me,like I was for the new oldham ground on avro's.
Re: FC United fan's request for fraudulent letters (p14)

whp.blue said:
If you believe this to be true why haven't you made a complaint to the police who would have to investigate fraud against the council ?

also the council if made aware of a possible fraud they would have to put the deal on hold whilst it was investigated and you would have got a positive result in your opposition to the proposed move

We did make the council aware of it - they simply said that they only took the content of the letter into consideration, not the location it was sent from - which was proved to be rubbish when the council then start banding figures about saying how many M40 letters were sent in support of the scheme.

Still waiting for AndyFCUM to comment......
Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - letter in MEN Friday

Mad Eyed Screamer said:
At last - people of Manchester are starting to suss the council out!
Saturday's MEN Postbag

''Keep Pool Open''
At the same time as Manchester council can find money for FC United's stadium, we have been told that they do not have enough money to save Miles Platting pool (Varley St baths).
It will have to close in December and we have been told that our nearest pool is the one that is to be built in Beswick.
But that is no good to us, how are we meant to get there? Our centre has pools and a gym and all for £10 a month. I wonder if the new pool will be so cheap?
The council is forever telling us to get fit, then they take away our facilities to do so. Sorry, but no one ever got fit watching football.

Annoyed Swimmers.

Yawn. You didn't write the letter but here are more corrections to your usual selective use of information and general dishonesty.

1. It's not FC United's stadium, its a community facility, shared with 13 Moston Junior teams and the wider Manchester community, should they wish.

2. The pot that contributes to Miles Platting pool funding is a completely different issue to a separate commercial rate LOAN offered to a business and has nothing to do with general Council funding. Problems with Miles Platting pool has NOT ffs been caused by FC United.

3. The Moston stadium is not simply about watching football. Mike Amesbury's letter highlighted the benefits broadly of encouraging more people to join in playing football with Moston juniors and participating in other related football and sports fitness activities via the stadium and forthcoming community outreach programmes, to seek to help reduce obesity and general crime levels.

All as you well know.

-- Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:36 pm --

mcnab-sees-red said:
population of manchester est 2011..........500,000

your support.............2000

I fail to see the value to the average council tax payer. Small minority interest groups do not deserve,or recieve, this level of support.

Whats so special about your project that commends it to the vast majority of Manchester residents?

Sorry, how did you pay back the £53million pounds again?

-- Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:38 pm --
Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - letter in MEN Friday

AndyFcum said:
Sorry, how did you pay back the £53million pounds again?

-- Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:38 pm --

How did the rags pay back the money for rebuilding the swamp ? What...they didn't ?

For a club made up of traitors, who's continued existence depends on the generosity of tax payers, you're hardly in a position to throw stones. Your club has had the begging bowl out for it's entire life. So keep your snide remarks to yourself.
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