FC United - Oral Hearing - judge rejects appeal (p 82)

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Re: Manchester City Council Loan FC United £550K and.....

AndyFcum said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
AndyFcum said:
because FCUM staff will now take over the maintenance/running of the site from the Council. The £1 will be just a nominal figure.

And Moston Juniors FC were also responsible for maintenance....... so your next point is????

Well OK, Phil, maybe by doing this the Council are recognising the £1.4 million of FC supporter investment, which attracts further central government grants into the Moston to give thea area and Moston Juniors FC a £3.5m plus community sports resource.... plus FC United's well documented community work?
Which kind of makes arguing over a grand a bit ridiculous. If you were a Moston resident you could ask your local councillor for details maybe? Its not FC United running this show it's MCC.
All your righteous indignation on here is a complete waste of time, the Council are the ones in charge and none of the "bell ends" or homophobes on here can help you....complain to the Council ffs, if you think it's still worth it. Oh and by the way, read the professional ecological reports with your glasses on next time. Much as I like Moston, I can't remember when I last saw David Attenborough mooching around there. There are no water voles and the bats will be fine, it's official.

I have quite a few friends asking the council so don't worry on that front. I said somewhere on the last few pages that my beef is with the council, not FCUM, so calm down.
I have never said the investment or the community work isn't welcome in Moston - all I have ever said is it is not appropriate to build the stadium on that site. I know you are all very desperate to have your own stadium - just don't be shitting all over a community who have been well established just so you can get your stadium up and running.
And I have read the report that our wildlife expert produced and water voles are there. But dont you worry about the voles - in the same way you dont care about the people who bought houses in an area opposite / near to a field they were informed had a covenant on it preventing future building on it. Or the elderly residents who bought retirement flats overlooking the field, believing they would have a nice view and a quiet life in the evenings.....
Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - today's paper (see page 6)

Mad Eyed Screamer said:
AndyFcum said:
Dr Mick said:
Thanks M.E.S - I'll always do what I can to help a fellow blue and if I can wind up a few filthy rags along the way all the better. We really need to get my all time hero and world class WUM Ono on the case. Compared to him i'm strictly small time. Either that or maybe I should bring back Mr Woo.

There must be different mods on the news pages to the sports pages over at the MEN. Nearly all my posts have got through today whereas on the sports pages i'm lucky if I get 1 in 10 through these days. Wankers.

Anyway good luck in your quest to drive these filthy 'economy class' rags out of Moston.

Well, FC have planning permission to build, so Boston Phil's had his day.

Well when the first spade is being dug, come back and let me know. There's a spanner not far off from being thrown ;)

Phil, Moston residents had 13 weeks to table an official objection to the planning approval given in October last year, so the deadline must be very close, but anything realistically after 6 weeks is viewed as malicious and would probably be discounted, yes?
Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - today's paper (see page 6)

Mad Eyed Screamer said:
AndyFcum said:
Dont' understand the Burnley references??

Your facebook status (last time I looked, last year) said you lived in or around Burnley

Nope not guilty, lol.
Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - today's paper (see page 6)

AndyFcum said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
AndyFcum said:
Well, FC have planning permission to build, so Boston Phil's had his day.

Well when the first spade is being dug, come back and let me know. There's a spanner not far off from being thrown ;)

Phil, Moston residents had 13 weeks to table an official objection to the planning approval given in October last year, so the deadline must be very close, but anything realistically after 6 weeks is viewed as malicious and would probably be discounted, yes?

We didn't have 13 weeks. The decision was made the day it was announced in the MEN. You know that, we know that and the council know that. Please do not pretend otherwise. There is no way that Manchester city council's own planning dept were going to knock back an application that was so much endorsed by, er Manchester city council.
A handful of councillors abstained from voting. I emailed them and asked why? I even said I'd have had more respect for them had they voted for the stadium than abstaining. They didn't even reply!

Our spanner isn't malicious. But it is very interesting and we shall see what happens shortly. It will open a can of worms for sure. I shall say no more on that matter ;)

-- Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:48 pm --

AndyFcum said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
AndyFcum said:
Dont' understand the Burnley references??

Your facebook status (last time I looked, last year) said you lived in or around Burnley

Nope not guilty, lol.

OK....so which part of Moston don't you live in?
Re: Manchester City Council Loan FC United £550K and.....

Mad Eyed Screamer said:
AndyFcum said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
And Moston Juniors FC were also responsible for maintenance....... so your next point is????

Well OK, Phil, maybe by doing this the Council are recognising the £1.4 million of FC supporter investment, which attracts further central government grants into the Moston to give thea area and Moston Juniors FC a £3.5m plus community sports resource.... plus FC United's well documented community work?
Which kind of makes arguing over a grand a bit ridiculous. If you were a Moston resident you could ask your local councillor for details maybe? Its not FC United running this show it's MCC.
All your righteous indignation on here is a complete waste of time, the Council are the ones in charge and none of the "bell ends" or homophobes on here can help you....complain to the Council ffs, if you think it's still worth it. Oh and by the way, read the professional ecological reports with your glasses on next time. Much as I like Moston, I can't remember when I last saw David Attenborough mooching around there. There are no water voles and the bats will be fine, it's official.

I have quite a few friends asking the council so don't worry on that front. I said somewhere on the last few pages that my beef is with the council, not FCUM, so calm down.
I have never said the investment or the community work isn't welcome in Moston - all I have ever said is it is not appropriate to build the stadium on that site. I know you are all very desperate to have your own stadium - just don't be shitting all over a community who have been well established just so you can get your stadium up and running.
And I have read the report that our wildlife expert produced and water voles are there. But dont you worry about the voles - in the same way you dont care about the people who bought houses in an area opposite / near to a field they were informed had a covenant on it preventing future building on it. Or the elderly residents who bought retirement flats overlooking the field, believing they would have a nice view and a quiet life in the evenings.....

I'm perfectly calm.
Not trying to be funny, but if you have friends on the Council why is your information so bad and bluebiased and why didn't your Council friends also tell you there are no water voles on RJPF.
Re: Manchester City Council Loan FC United £550K and.....

AndyFcum said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
AndyFcum said:
Well OK, Phil, maybe by doing this the Council are recognising the £1.4 million of FC supporter investment, which attracts further central government grants into the Moston to give thea area and Moston Juniors FC a £3.5m plus community sports resource.... plus FC United's well documented community work?
Which kind of makes arguing over a grand a bit ridiculous. If you were a Moston resident you could ask your local councillor for details maybe? Its not FC United running this show it's MCC.
All your righteous indignation on here is a complete waste of time, the Council are the ones in charge and none of the "bell ends" or homophobes on here can help you....complain to the Council ffs, if you think it's still worth it. Oh and by the way, read the professional ecological reports with your glasses on next time. Much as I like Moston, I can't remember when I last saw David Attenborough mooching around there. There are no water voles and the bats will be fine, it's official.

I have quite a few friends asking the council so don't worry on that front. I said somewhere on the last few pages that my beef is with the council, not FCUM, so calm down.
I have never said the investment or the community work isn't welcome in Moston - all I have ever said is it is not appropriate to build the stadium on that site. I know you are all very desperate to have your own stadium - just don't be shitting all over a community who have been well established just so you can get your stadium up and running.
And I have read the report that our wildlife expert produced and water voles are there. But dont you worry about the voles - in the same way you dont care about the people who bought houses in an area opposite / near to a field they were informed had a covenant on it preventing future building on it. Or the elderly residents who bought retirement flats overlooking the field, believing they would have a nice view and a quiet life in the evenings.....

I'm perfectly calm.
Not trying to be funny, but if you have friends on the Council why is your information so bad and bluebiased and why didn't your Council friends also tell you there are no water voles on RJPF.

Re-read my post - I've highlighted the bit for convenience in bold on the first line, but will repeat it for you on here too.
I have friends asking the council. Not friends on the council!
Where is my blue bias??? Not even mentioned City anywhere!

I missed your reply as to where you live........
Re: Manchester City Council Loan FC United £550K and.....

Mad Eyed Screamer said:
AndyFcum said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
I have quite a few friends asking the council so don't worry on that front. I said somewhere on the last few pages that my beef is with the council, not FCUM, so calm down.
I have never said the investment or the community work isn't welcome in Moston - all I have ever said is it is not appropriate to build the stadium on that site. I know you are all very desperate to have your own stadium - just don't be shitting all over a community who have been well established just so you can get your stadium up and running.
And I have read the report that our wildlife expert produced and water voles are there. But dont you worry about the voles - in the same way you dont care about the people who bought houses in an area opposite / near to a field they were informed had a covenant on it preventing future building on it. Or the elderly residents who bought retirement flats overlooking the field, believing they would have a nice view and a quiet life in the evenings.....

I'm perfectly calm.
Not trying to be funny, but if you have friends on the Council why is your information so bad and bluebiased and why didn't your Council friends also tell you there are no water voles on RJPF.

Re-read my post - I've highlighted the bit for convenience in bold on the first line, but will repeat it for you on here too.
I have friends asking the council. Not friends on the council!
Where is my blue bias??? Not even mentioned City anywhere!

I missed your reply as to where you live........

YOU LIVE IN BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS, ffs. I live in sunny New Moston, but if you want the street forget it on the Net, FC City failure.

Anyway, thats goodnight from me; resorting to the "Shitting all over a community" remark has done it for me; absolutely f*****g disgraceful. Nearly £4m quid of shiny new investment in a recession, shitting on Moston, though eh?

You are a sad sad lonely obsessed man and you need to get out more, seriously, you're in Boston; go to Cheers or something.
Re: Manchester City Council Loan FC United £550K and.....

Mad Eyed Screamer said:
AndyFcum said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
I have quite a few friends asking the council so don't worry on that front. I said somewhere on the last few pages that my beef is with the council, not FCUM, so calm down.
I have never said the investment or the community work isn't welcome in Moston - all I have ever said is it is not appropriate to build the stadium on that site. I know you are all very desperate to have your own stadium - just don't be shitting all over a community who have been well established just so you can get your stadium up and running.
And I have read the report that our wildlife expert produced and water voles are there. But dont you worry about the voles - in the same way you dont care about the people who bought houses in an area opposite / near to a field they were informed had a covenant on it preventing future building on it. Or the elderly residents who bought retirement flats overlooking the field, believing they would have a nice view and a quiet life in the evenings.....

I'm perfectly calm.
Not trying to be funny, but if you have friends on the Council why is your information so bad and bluebiased and why didn't your Council friends also tell you there are no water voles on RJPF.

Re-read my post - I've highlighted the bit for convenience in bold on the first line, but will repeat it for you on here too.
I have friends asking the council. Not friends on the council!
Where is my blue bias??? Not even mentioned City anywhere!

I missed your reply as to where you live........

oh sorry, erm where do I live.... lets see........ well its not BOSTON MASSACHUSSETTS.
Does everybody know you're name at Cheers? lmao

I live in sunny New Moston, Phil, but not telling you the street/avenue/road on the Net. I think the near £4million of new investment will be great for the area.
FC are already working with the local community so it's all good.

Oh dear, Mr FC City just read your "shitting all over a community" remark....you're an absolutely disgrace Phil, a new low even for you.
Are you reading this Mr Leese? LOL. Goodnight.
Re: Manchester City Council Loan FC United £550K and.....

AndyFcum said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
AndyFcum said:
I'm perfectly calm.
Not trying to be funny, but if you have friends on the Council why is your information so bad and bluebiased and why didn't your Council friends also tell you there are no water voles on RJPF.

Re-read my post - I've highlighted the bit for convenience in bold on the first line, but will repeat it for you on here too.
I have friends asking the council. Not friends on the council!
Where is my blue bias??? Not even mentioned City anywhere!

I missed your reply as to where you live........

oh sorry, erm where do I live.... lets see........ well its not BOSTON MASSACHUSSETTS.
Does everybody know you're name at Cheers? lmao

I live in sunny New Moston, Phil, but not telling you the street/avenue/road on the Net. I think the near £4million of new investment will be great for the area.
FC are already working with the local community so it's all good.

Oh dear, Mr FC City just read your "shitting all over a community" remark....you're an absolutely disgrace Phil, a new low even for you.
Are you reading this Mr Leese? LOL. Goodnight.

I thought you said you were calm...... oh dear..... go and have a lie down....
I have spent 19 out of the last 19 and a half years living in Moston. The last 5 months living overseas. I still have family ties and friends in Moston, so it's hardly like I have jumped on some anti FCUM bandwagon.
I didn't ask for your street and house number, slight - in fact major over reaction there.
Ohhhhh does Mr Leese read these forums? That's got me worried now.... Next you'll be telling me Pat Karney is a Moderator!

Scurry back to your own messageboard telling your fellow fans - in mock horrified tone - what I have written, so they can be similarly mock horrified.
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