FC United Thread

Saturday is a crunch day.
They are at home at 3pm to Bashford United, from Nottingham, so very little away support.
''Big Red'' (as they call them) are not playing so no distraction there.
England kick off at 5pm. They will probably have some showing of it in the bar to keep folk behind and spend in the bar (which is fair enough).
I'll be amazed if anywhere near 1,200 turn up (though as stated before, they add in season ticket numbers whether present or not).

The buckets will be out in force once more.
A bit late to this, but so glad to see that this bunch of chancers and shysters along with their gullible acolytes have been denied the possible extra income stream of a Cup run. It was truly nauseating to witness the entitlement in the club's early days as its deluded followers made a string of noisy and vehement demands for Council assistance to bolster their fatuous vanity project. We see the leopard's spots truly unchanged as they yelp witlessly at the Council's belated and probably doomed attempt now to safeguard its cash with the appointment referred to above.

Since relegation from National League North in 2019, FCUM have had average attendances of between 1,668 and 1,775 for the four seasons fans were allowed in, a plateauing of gates that seems to be allowing them to continue to crawl along provided that the Council continues to be so untenably benevolent with regard to the debt owed by these charlatans. I longingly await the news that the support is seeping away in numbers that will cause serious cashflow problems. One or two signs in the new campaign suggest that this could be the case, but there have been false dawns before.

We just need some of the people currently operating in line with the sunk costs fallcy to see the bigger picture. They don't want to admit that the vision they were originally sold by Walsh and his mates was an unattainable mirage, with the current grubby reality instead being that they're stuck in relative obscurity while remaining in denial over their shabby scrounging from the public purse. Hopefully this is the point where more of them see sense and walk away.
What folk don't consider when talking about how much they are in debt to the council, is the money owed to their own fans that they won't get back.
This community share scheme was introduced with a fan fare from the club, the Co-op Bank and government ministers. There are threads and threads online galore praising this ''new and innovative'' enterprise.
But you won't find any regarding it going tits up. Fans bought a 'Community Share' at £200 each, many invested thousands of pounds. The benefits was tax relief on investing and your money could be withdrawn any time after 4 years and bonuses were to be added to savings each year based on the clubs' profits. There were no profits. The whole scheme collapsed. Fans lost a lot of their savings. But you won't find that anywhere and the club are still hailed as pioneers of fan owned football and ''The Rebels'' still viewed through dewy eyed romantic notions that they are the shining light, standing alone in the darkness of corporate greed taking over the running of the game....
Why would any self-respecting club want to be associated with them?
Agree with you, in theory.
The vast majority of local non-league clubs will be envious of the "help" they've received from MCC.
Also when they formed, they had much more money through attendances than other, older, established clubs - so they were strongly disliked because they poached their rival's players.
But, although I've never been to Pallet Park, I'd imagine their ground and training facilities are better than anywhere in the region for non- league clubs ?
For this reason alone, a rival club could be enticed to ground share ?
Barrow third in league 2 already train there daily. They couldn’t attract enough players in their location so they are based in Manchester, train in Moston then travel upto Barrow & stay in a hotel there the night before a game.
Wow, never knew that.
And so Barrow pay to train on the 3G pitch you have spoken about before, that they are supposed to bang away 50K a year to pay for the new one to be laid - and haven't banged away a penny!
Here’s some details

Barrow made the deal to rent the 3G, a grass pitch and indoor space after Fc had forecast a £105k profit last season, so they should have really made a lot more as they hadn’t included Barrow’s daily use, Bury hiring out the ground and getting the biggest crowd of the season or the Fa cup final screening, despite all those unexpected windfalls they still only managed to scrape a £500 profit
Saturday is a crunch day.
They are at home at 3pm to Bashford United, from Nottingham, so very little away support.
''Big Red'' (as they call them) are not playing so no distraction there.
England kick off at 5pm. They will probably have some showing of it in the bar to keep folk behind and spend in the bar (which is fair enough).
I'll be amazed if anywhere near 1,200 turn up (though as stated before, they add in season ticket numbers whether present or not).

The buckets will be out in force once more.

Anyone know if the poet-in-residence is still a thing there?

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