FC United Thread

They didn’t pay for the billboard. It was organised & paid for by the company that’s volunteering to do their rebrand
They didn’t pay for the billboard. It was organised & paid for by the company that’s volunteering to do their rebrand
Their re-brand?

Board meeting:
Rag Sockser 1. OK I've an idea. Why dont we re-brand ourselves?
Rag Sockser 2. Good idea. Got any thoughts on how?
1.Yes I thought we could maybe try and attract more fans by marketing ourselves as an alternative to how Manchester United are run by The Glazers.
2. Yes great thinking. The Glazers have brought nothing but debt to Old Trafford, we are indeed an alternative option for fans as we run things differently here.
1. Well yes. I mean we are equally in debt but where as the Glazers take the money from fans and keep it to for themselves, we also take money from the fans and just lose it due to incompetence. But you are right, we run it differently here.
2. Yes. We could play in kits identical to the kits Manchester United play in and encourage fans to sing about Eric Cantona too.
1. We already do that. I've brought in a consultancy firm to help us re-brand our image and he's joining us now on zoom.

Consultant: Yes I attended the last home game and came to the following conclusion.
You have no identity of your own, play in a district where no one is interested, living off the back of the club you claim to have walked away from and spend your time like it's Tommy Doc's red n white army 1975.
To rebrand would take away any interest anyone already has in you. To remain being a Rag Tribute band is the only thing keeping this flogged dead horse alive......
So instead of the 99 questions asked of the mother (fuckers) ship.
How about 900,000 questions be put to this bunch of thieving bastards?
What could have been done by Manchester City Council with that money?
Every one of the scumbags who began this vanity project, those that continue to take a wage from it should be hauled before a full blown public hearing to explain just exactly why they’ve taken or are now taking a wage from a failed flight of fancy at the council tax payers expense.
Why could everyone see that the whole shitshow was built on shifting sands, yet, our own Council went headlong into funding this bunch of shysters?
People involved at the beginning have long since pissed off into the sunset financially better off leaving a trail of debt and the remaining staff resemble little more than vultures picking at the corpse of a monument to corruption on an industrial scale.
The fact that the original flag bearers of ‘punk football’ are now back at the swamp tells you that not a single one of the mard arse scumbags cared about UMS that much - it was purely down to City overtaking them.
When we put this 115 nonsense to bed once and for all, where do these fuckwits go?

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