Fernandinho - 2016/17 performances

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I think a lot of our red cards are boiling down to frustration, the amount of decisions we are getting against us is ridiculous, even the little niggly ones that barely go noticed. I think Fern has just noticed it and is becoming frustrated. It's almost as if the referee's are trying to balance out our matches by giving pity decisions to our opponents,
He is an idiot and could have cost us that game. Missing 8 games through suspension is not acceptable.

Why people were giving him a standing ovation I don't know.
To me, it doesn't look like the nastiest of challenges, but the rules are very clear on this. Two feet off the ground is a straight red and that's precisely what he did. I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt anyone but it's rash and he's let the team down, especially coming off the back of another needless red card against Chelsea.
He needs to calm down, and quickly. He's getting himself a reputation as a hard man, and they're not easy to get rid of. His card will be well and truly marked now.
I agree with the posters who said on here that it wasn't a malicious challenge and it was a sending off. He does need to cool it although it seems an almost impossible task to do so.
Whatever my thoughts on him as a player, I have to say that he's really fucked us over this season. Eight games missed and seven of them were important. You can tell when he's not there.
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