Fernandinho - 2016/17 performances

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It wasn't malicious in any way however it was a red every time. He needs to engage brain in future. 3 reds isn't acceptable.
It's nothing to do with an inch here or there. Two footed challenges with both feet off the ground aren't allowed and everyone knows that. Whether or not you agree with that is a moot point. It could be the most inch-perfect and well timed challenge but they're not allowed and they'll nearly always resort in a red card unless you're Marcos Rojo. It's a tackle that means we've lost him for four more games so that makes it a pretty awful challenge in my book.

I here you, however sometimes by asking someone to adjust their game a player can start to over think things. Resulting in less then optimal performance. 1 red a season for our most combatant midfielder is about right. Its important that during the caorse of the game he asserts himself on his opponent. This requires some rough and tumble. As it stands its not a problem.
It wasn't malicious in any way however it was a red every time. He needs to engage brain in future. 3 reds isn't acceptable.

One red was an utter joke.
The Chelsea one was a simple case of one rule for one...
Yesterday was poor.
Just the one fraction of a second faster, and it would have been a brilliant interception with us keeping the pressure on their defence.
Just the one fraction of a second later, and it would have been a total cock-up with Burnley dangerously breaking away.

Was it a red? Well, it was debatable so you can't blame the ref other than for nearly any other decision that day. I do read the tackle has now become a horrortackle with Fernandinho lunges into the player with two legs of the floor. Bit over the top imho, but that was to be expected from the media as it is one of our players. Whatever.

Second yellow vs Gladbach was a joke. Red card vs Chelsea? I blame Aguero who should not have started the rout in the first place, and secondly Fabregas for provocing Fernandinho who actually tried to do the good thing at first.

Anyways, Fernando has been in good form, and maybe he's more to what our defence needs at the moment. We didn't do too badly without Fernandinho did we?
I love Fernandinho, and think he's been one of our most consistent players over the last three years. That was hugely irresponsible today though, even more so as he was captain. There was no need to make that challenge. That's three red cards in seven games now. Granted the Monchengladbach one was absurd, but as with Aguero this indiscipline is costing us.

Didn't Pellegrini deliberately make controversial calls in training games in order to frustrate the players? The loony old so & so obviously realised that our players needed work on playing under frustration.
Most of the ground were as frustrated as a potless sex addict in Patpong yesterday.

The European red was so ludicrous it's not fair to mention it.
His PL ones are clear indications of over frustration. Fernandinho puts in so much I'm surprised it's taken him this long.

Like many I love him, he's no doubt cost us, but he's doesn't half get a lot put on his shoulders. He really needs help from his manager and his team mates. Help that often not there.

He needs to controle himself and the club need to realise he needs some help.
Poor tackling technique yesterday it's as simple as that, absolutely no need to slide in two footed.

An experienced member of the squad should know better, his disciplinary record this season is atrocious to be honest.
I can see why a red was given, even though I don't think it was a red. But his actions left it to the judgment of the ref.
Does his contract expire at the end of this season or next? Ive seen reports saying that he has a year left, but am not quiet sure. Need to give him a 2 year extension no matter what!
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