Fernando Gago

People said De Jong and Bellamy weren't good enough for us at first too! Mancini must be able to gauge Gago's quality compared to what we have, he's a top class manager, so must see something.

Anyone remember Mascherano being stuck in West Ham's reserves before Liverpool signed him? Haha...
I've watched Gago for most of his career, even before he was at Real. During his time at Boca, and definitely his time at Real (where he threw Diarra out of the team and kept his place until Alonso came in) he has consistently shown what a fantastic player he is.

I'd love him here. How people are saying he is shite, I will never understand, this guy is one of the best midfielders I've seen for years. Him, Messi and Higuain are the future of football in Argentina.
Update !

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.as.com/futbol/articulo/futbol-gago-vio-valdano-le/dasftb/20100126dasdaiftb_11/Tes" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.as.com/futbol/articulo/futbo ... ftb_11/Tes</a>


Gago Valdano saw and asked him to let him go
The club will only yield from 20 million.

Gago not want to go in Madrid and this is what he stated yesterday to orge Valdano. The Argentine player came to the Bernabeu at 11:32 pm, accompanied by his representative Marcelo Lombilla, with AS as a witness. Gago, crestfallen, declined comment. Where did speak inside the stadium was Real Madrid.

The former Boca, 23, Valdano asked to "please" let him leave Madrid because his condition "is not comfortable." Gago wished to clarify that he is grateful to the club for giving him the opportunity, but now his priority is to play the World Cup and is aware that Madrid will not enjoy the minutes it takes to convince Maradona.

Valdano told that the club I came in January 2007, is considered necessary and, from the sporting point of view, non-transferable due to the small wardrobe in the workforce (after the departure of Van Nistelrooy and Pepe's injury, the team has 22 members). Moreover, Pellegrini specifically asked her not transfer. The only open door that let him Valdano was that if you put an offer on the table "extraordinary" (20 million and over) will raise its output. So far, the only proposal the City is offering 15 million. Insufficient for Real. The concern in the white club is that if you stay, your mood negatively affecting performance.

Casting midfielders
Real, despite everything, we attempted to cover their backs against the possibility of running out of Gago and during the past two weeks, the sports management has been scouring the market for midfielders. However, that search proved fruitless and were not enough quality players to be part of Madrid. In fact, in the noble Bernabeu comment that it was "a case like Lass only happens once in twenty years."
Fernandito! I loved this kid in Boca Jrs. then he was sold to Real Madrid as an offensive midfielder/ creative type, which he clearly isn't and was played out of position. Because of this he never got a run of games with the good team + Madrid fans are ridiculous = all the comments you hear in their forums.

My assesment:
He is a defensive Mid that can pass the ball, he can take a player off of him, turn and pass it very well, he serves as connection between defenders under pressure and the rest of the team and has a pretty decent final pass to leave strikers one on one (this will work one out of four times, which can annoy some people). he can not shoot to save his life and is pretty slow but makes up for it by running more than carlitos.

Until he gets a run of games in a decent team and shows what he can do though, City should not pay more than 10M pounds.
As much as I don't mind us signing him, it's kind of impossible to have him now.
Real Madrid is like a brothel. Bring in the best, use them up quickly and whore them out for publicity, then get rid of them (on the cheap... uhh, except for that Robinho guy). When buying from Madrid it's important not to worry if the player starts for them because they are a fickle club with fickle management and fans, they drop good players for nothing (see: Van Nistlerooy) to make way for the new flavour of the week. Watch, even Kaka and Ronaldo will be pushed out in x years time when the new cream of the crop is here.

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