Fernando Torres [Merged]

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pierod said:
blueinsa said:
A bit harsh fella but i do fully understand the sentiment.

It's our turn now and we should all fully enjoy it.

If it upsets some, so fucking what!

Perhaps a little harsh, I just don't think these curtain-twitchers understand what it's like to deal with the combined effort of the Liverpool-United-Everton-Bolton-anyone-else-who-fancies-a-pop collective on a daily basis. Before things started looking a little brighter for us, we were condescended to, but now the bitterness oozing out of their collective pores is too obvious to pass up.

If we were to acquire Torres, it'd be good to stick it to them - but regardless it looks like he's leaving (to us or Chelsea), so it's a win-win with regards to giving out a bit of well-earned schtick. Showing "class" seems a little subjective to me and a bit too stiff upper lip British for my liking, but I think having a sense of humour and having the cajones to laugh at yourself once in a while is more important. Certain supporters of certain top clubs just don't have any of those qualities in my experience, too used to having it all their own way I guess.

Mate, i couldnt agree more and i couldnt have put it any better!

CTID, irrespective of any success, investments or certain players ;-)
Captain Spyro said:
svennis pennis said:
Why dont you support Liverpool anymore and what made you choose us??

On Liverpool: I haven't completely abandoned the Reds, but certain nagging things really got to me. One was a bit of arrogance that seemed to proliferate the fanbase. I'm not speaking for everyone, but one can only go on past glories for so long before it becomes redundant. Another thing is the debt. Really, the main reason I first started following the club was because of George Gillett. Back in 2007, he bought controlling interest of the NASCAR I was passionately (which is for the most part dead. It's still around, but the main qualities that attracted me to it have left or are leaving) and from there, I decided to follow his other sporting interests. Largely during the ownership controversy, I had been defending Gillett (not so much Hicks), though anymore the animosity has really turned me off. I love that the fans are passionate, but it just becomes too much.

On City: I had actually started liking this club a couple of years back. Yeah, probably seen as underachievers (like my beloved Atletico), but it was a club with a lot of heart. Plus, another team with a big rivalry with United. Big plus for me. However, I will admit this. My liking for the club really picked up with the signing of David Silva. I admire the ambition of the club, so I'll be following it much more closely. I also admire that the owners seem to have the club's best interests at heart.

I still have love and respect for Liverpool, but I guess my heart really wasn't into it. Really, it's the same exact story for the NHL where I started following the Montreal Canadiens (formerly owned by Gillett), but now end up following the Anaheim Ducks and Pittsburgh Penguins. Hell, even in the MLS I started with the New York Red Bulls before I found my soccer club with the Seattle Sounders. As for the Premier League. I think my heart actually lies with City.


You'll be needing this.
Captain Spyro said:
svennis pennis said:
Why dont you support Liverpool anymore and what made you choose us??

On Liverpool: I haven't completely abandoned the Reds, but certain nagging things really got to me. One was a bit of arrogance that seemed to proliferate the fanbase. I'm not speaking for everyone, but one can only go on past glories for so long before it becomes redundant. Another thing is the debt. Really, the main reason I first started following the club was because of George Gillett. Back in 2007, he bought controlling interest of the NASCAR I was passionately (which is for the most part dead. It's still around, but the main qualities that attracted me to it have left or are leaving) and from there, I decided to follow his other sporting interests. Largely during the ownership controversy, I had been defending Gillett (not so much Hicks), though anymore the animosity has really turned me off. I love that the fans are passionate, but it just becomes too much.

On City: I had actually started liking this club a couple of years back. Yeah, probably seen as underachievers (like my beloved Atletico), but it was a club with a lot of heart. Plus, another team with a big rivalry with United. Big plus for me. However, I will admit this. My liking for the club really picked up with the signing of David Silva. I admire the ambition of the club, so I'll be following it much more closely. I also admire that the owners seem to have the club's best interests at heart.

I still have love and respect for Liverpool, but I guess my heart really wasn't into it. Really, it's the same exact story for the NHL where I started following the Montreal Canadiens (formerly owned by Gillett), but now end up following the Anaheim Ducks and Pittsburgh Penguins. Hell, even in the MLS I started with the New York Red Bulls before I found my soccer club with the Seattle Sounders. As for the Premier League. I think my heart actually lies with City.

Fair enough..

Welcome to Bluemoon, abandon all hope of sanity.
i just have a root about,and see whats being said...mostly bullshit,and mainly how "were ruining football with our stupid prices"...they are not our offers,its what the other clubs are asking for...seems to me there is a transfer fee and a city fee,obviously the city fee being £10 million more....its the other clubs ruining football with their valuations not us....fuck all has been said about the £80 odd million paid for ronaldo..why?..because its madrid...if we offer that kind of money,all hell breaks loose...
Ticket For Schalke said:
Your mad for that site SPIDERBOY.
i just have a root about,and see whats being said...mostly bullshit,and mainly how "were ruining football with our stupid prices"...they are not our offers,its what the other clubs are asking for...seems to me there is a transfer fee and a city fee,obviously the city fee being £10 million more....its the other clubs ruining football with their valuations not us....fuck all has been said about the £80 odd million paid for ronaldo..why?..because its madrid...if we offer that kind of money,all hell breaks loose...

Ah, but we will if we have to..as I understand it Abu Dhabi would rather spend big now instead of spending more moderate sums for a number of years.
Blu KB said:
I don't understand how anyone can change clubs, you take the rough with the smooth.

Naah, think about it..kids are mostly interested in players with stars, players that win things and what teams they play in hardly matters.
As they grow older they tend to find a club that suits them personally, after a while for reasons unknown that club might experience changes so broad that it alienates parts of their fanbase and some start supporting other clubs, or even start up a new version of the "old" one.
S04 said:
Blu KB said:
I don't understand how anyone can change clubs, you take the rough with the smooth.

Naah, think about it..kids are mostly interested in players with stars, players that win things and what teams they play in hardly matters.
As they grow older they tend to find a club that suits them personally, after a while for reasons unknown that club might experience changes so broad that it alienates parts of their fanbase and some start supporting other clubs, or even start up a new version of the "old" one.

Yeah, but in this case I followed one of the American owners. XD Pretty much, but I should also mention something.

When I first started following Liverpool, I was a football novice, so I knew little tonothing about the teams around it (back in 06 or 07, so I am still fairly new). Liverpool was all I knew, and I as I grow older, I find myself attracted to other clubs for reasons related to things besides owners & big name stars. Bayern and Atletico are examples, as is City.
Captain Spyro said:
S04 said:
Naah, think about it..kids are mostly interested in players with stars, players that win things and what teams they play in hardly matters.
As they grow older they tend to find a club that suits them personally, after a while for reasons unknown that club might experience changes so broad that it alienates parts of their fanbase and some start supporting other clubs, or even start up a new version of the "old" one.

Yeah, but in this case I followed one of the American owners. XD Pretty much, but I should also mention something.

When I first started following Liverpool, I was a football novice, so I knew little tonothing about the teams around it (back in 06 or 07, so I am still fairly new). Liverpool was all I knew, and I as I grow older, I find myself attracted to other clubs for reasons related to things besides owners & big name stars. Bayern and Atletico are examples, as is City.

I think you are undecided..Bayern&Liverpool are two old established top clubs.
Atletico and City clubs that have played second fiddle for decades.

But give it time, sooner or later you will know. It will be painful though..because you take out your heart and leave it in someones care..Hence the anger, hate and bitternes if things turn sour.
Captain Spyro said:
svennis pennis said:
Why dont you support Liverpool anymore and what made you choose us??

On Liverpool: I haven't completely abandoned the Reds, but certain nagging things really got to me. One was a bit of arrogance that seemed to proliferate the fanbase. I'm not speaking for everyone, but one can only go on past glories for so long before it becomes redundant. Another thing is the debt. Really, the main reason I first started following the club was because of George Gillett. Back in 2007, he bought controlling interest of the NASCAR I was passionately (which is for the most part dead. It's still around, but the main qualities that attracted me to it have left or are leaving) and from there, I decided to follow his other sporting interests. Largely during the ownership controversy, I had been defending Gillett (not so much Hicks), though anymore the animosity has really turned me off. I love that the fans are passionate, but it just becomes too much.

On City: I had actually started liking this club a couple of years back. Yeah, probably seen as underachievers (like my beloved Atletico), but it was a club with a lot of heart. Plus, another team with a big rivalry with United. Big plus for me. However, I will admit this. My liking for the club really picked up with the signing of David Silva. I admire the ambition of the club, so I'll be following it much more closely. I also admire that the owners seem to have the club's best interests at heart.

I still have love and respect for Liverpool, but I guess my heart really wasn't into it. Really, it's the same exact story for the NHL where I started following the Montreal Canadiens (formerly owned by Gillett), but now end up following the Anaheim Ducks and Pittsburgh Penguins. Hell, even in the MLS I started with the New York Red Bulls before I found my soccer club with the Seattle Sounders. As for the Premier League. I think my heart actually lies with City.
It's a bit different here we just tend to have one club and one club only although I suppose that's because football is number 1 here and every single town has some sort of team. You'll be in love with city in no time and after that she'll pull your heart strings like no women, man or hermaphrodite ever has :) and that wasn't meant in a good way.... Enjoy the ride.
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