Ferran Soriano & Txiki Begiristain

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Danamy said:
Whatever your stance and thoughts are on the managerial situatuon, we're spending big this summer, so make of that what you will.

That lot across the road are also looking to go big in the summer so it'll certainly be interesting if they fail to make the top four? :-)

Spending big...
Does this mean first team starters is the key focus?
Kompany is King said:
Danamy said:
Whatever your stance and thoughts are on the managerial situatuon, we're spending big this summer, so make of that what you will.

That lot across the road are also looking to go big in the summer so it'll certainly be interesting if they fail to make the top four? :-)

Spending big...
Does this mean first team starters is the key focus?

That will be the intention
Danamy said:
Whatever your stance and thoughts are on the managerial situatuon, we're spending big this summer, so make of that what you will.

That lot across the road are also looking to go big in the summer so it'll certainly be interesting if they fail to make the top four? :-)
Goin off that i presume we are goin to lose 5 or 6 first teamers and a new rebuilding will take place . So the question is will these players comin in play to pellers style if he is stayin and is he havin input to these players
mancity1 said:
Pablo ZZZ Peroni said:
Stephenhakin said:
I did some stats on him a while back too. Also with him we score at least a goal a game on average than without him which is a phenomenal stat considering the defense is around the same with or without him * prior to this season.

Even allowing for 2nd year blues the results when starting in the league with YaYa have held up. Liverpool was the first defeat in 10 games and the others were W7 D2.

Good points and couldn't disagree the stats don't lie.

He has been one of the better buys since the two above took over the reigns.

He would be a starter in any side in the premiership including Chelsea this season.

Some serious delusion going on here. In front of who Matic, Fabregas? As he is such a bargain at 30m and you all seem to be such a big fan of stats (not evidenced) why were we so poor without Yaya when he went to Afcon? Shouldnt a 30m player be able to step up?? Anyway missing point we should be signing world class players with that cash which we havnt since Kun or signing nobody and waiting until the right ppl are available. Tixi is not doing this.
NQCitizen said:
Pablo ZZZ Peroni said:
Albi11 said:
That stat proves nothing it doesnt show quality of opposition or how game went or what subs were made.

For 30 million we should be recruiting players who could get in Real, Barca, Bayerns first XI.

Standard of whole prem is poor at the moment.

Fernandiniho is nowhere near that level he is a good player that is all but would struggle to get on top 4 prem teams midfields.

I would put your stat down to the remaining high quality left over from Mancinis reign.

Even funnier.

Agree the stat doesn't prove anything but it certainly is compelling.

He'd struggle to get in the top 4 prems midfields? LOL. He was one of the main men last year for a top 4 prem team. Errm, the Champions in fact.

Seem to recall he was in many peoples top 3 for Player of The Year last season as well. IMO worth every penny of his £30million.
Fernandinho is the best signing we've made since Aguero.

The one txiki should take least stick for, along with Demichelis (although that was likely a Pellegrini player)

Totally Agree. 100%
Fernandinho was immense for us last season. A bit shaky after the Brazil World Cup disaster - but since mid November he has been one of our best players.
Danamy said:
Whatever your stance and thoughts are on the managerial situatuon, we're spending big this summer, so make of that what you will.

That lot across the road are also looking to go big in the summer so it'll certainly be interesting if they fail to make the top four? :-)

I hope so! Bale, Pogba and Hummels will do nicely :)
Albi11 said:
mancity1 said:
Pablo ZZZ Peroni said:
Even allowing for 2nd year blues the results when starting in the league with YaYa have held up. Liverpool was the first defeat in 10 games and the others were W7 D2.

Good points and couldn't disagree the stats don't lie.

He has been one of the better buys since the two above took over the reigns.

He would be a starter in any side in the premiership including Chelsea this season.

Some serious delusion going on here. In front of who Matic, Fabregas? As he is such a bargain at 30m and you all seem to be such a big fan of stats (not evidenced) why were we so poor without Yaya when he went to Afcon? Shouldnt a 30m player be able to step up?? Anyway missing point we should be signing world class players with that cash which we havnt since Kun or signing nobody and waiting until the right ppl are available. Tixi is not doing this.
Fuck all that but spending that much when no chance of a sell on value at that age. Anyway any player with f'all international caps that has spent a career in Brazil and Ukraine can never command a £30,000,000 price, despite that I do think Fernandinho is not a bad player and probably our best signing since Aguero but that's no mean feat, but should have cost half the value.
The thing is Txixi is doing the complete opposite of what we were told he would do, I remember hearing of buying young players that would complement the first eleven and the playing style of the club and sign players for a value that would mean they could command a sell on value, rather I feel we are going another step beyond the Santa Cruz/Adebayor bad deals. Maybe I expected too much but this man gets paid well enough and is so is open to criticism if he spends X amount of our cash and we don't seem to be moving forward at all
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