Fifa to clamp down on City and Chelsea business model


Well-Known Member
21 Aug 2007
Centurions 9301
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Manchester City
FIFA will impose a new limit from 2020/21 on how many players clubs can have out on loan after a new proposal was ratified.

After Chelsea (39), Manchester City (28) will be the Premier League club most impacted by this. [The Times]

Our loans to go from 28 to just 8 season after next.
All this will do is decrease the number of apprentices club will take on. If FIFA had brains they would be dangerous!!!!!
Yep, that's the thing, they've basically warned clubs that having too many players in their academy is a bad thing. How dare they train young footballers?
So if this is correct who will suffer most?
Well the clubs can quite easily say ok no problem. We`ll have a small select group of players to try to bring up to premier league standard.The rest will all be shipped out and can find their own way in the footballing world.
You can just imagine the reaction when dozens of young players from all over the world are sent packing back to their own countries. Thrown out of their top schools and left to fend for themselves.
You can imagine all the youngsters throughout the world whose dreams of a great future will be dashed.

What are fifa thinking of? Will UEFA get involved?
It wouldn't be so bad if there was a decent competition for them to play in. I've heard Joey Barton say he learned the most from playing in the lower leagues becasue they're more physical and that prepares you for football life in the top leagues better because you're playing against pros who know all the tricks.

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