FIFA/UEFA Investigations

I'm enjoying this quite a lot.
Hope I'm wrong but can't help but think that David Gill would want the job

The Sheikh should ring him up and say, "you should have told me all it takes is £1.3m for you to just fuck off and leave us alone. I've got that in my arse pocket. "
Gill was apparently one of the prime movers in recommending the backing of Platini by the FA.
So if the mud sticks to Platini will UEFA not be looking for someone who broadly will continue the same policies that Platini implemented?
More of the same without the warts?
Interesting if the reports are true that Dyke issued a press release backing Twattini not the FA. Surely that would make that rag bastard as bent as others.
So if the mud sticks to Platini will UEFA not be looking for someone who broadly will continue the same policies that Platini implemented?
More of the same without the warts?
What surprises me is there isn't an investigation starting in UEFA for the same reason? You'd have thought someone might be thinking theres potential collusion to limited damage to each organisation.
Just as most of us suspected, the man is a corrupt, lying, cheat. His policies were clearly instigated to hamper us and protect his old mates in the 'established elite'. Nothing whatsoever to do with 'fair play'.

Perhaps there's a chance now we could sue for loss of earnings, restriction of trade or suchlike and completely blow FFP away for good, recoup what the slimy garlic eating twat fined us and go on to sign Bale, Messi, Muller and Pogba, while dickwad Platini is breaking rocks and trying not to bend over in the showers.
The thing is your ordinary Joe in the street knew for years the whole stinking cesspool was corrupt.Backhanders, anti English agenda,all the top tickets going to sponsors and hangers on while the normal fans missed out.The shame is no fucker would take them on until they pissed the Yanks off and they had the financial clout and muscle to go after them. Let's hope the net spreads wider and the whole farce of the FFP shite is now crushed and exposed for what it was,a rule to protect the old order against the new wealthy upstarts,then let's go and sign every top player in the world and really rub the fuckers noses in it!!

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