FIFA/UEFA Investigations

He also admitted he should have stood down after the 2014 World Cup in Brazil but stayed due to concerns Uefa, European football's governing body, would become too dominant within Fifa.

"The other confederations were afraid that Uefa would take over everything because they have the money and the players," said Blatter.

"Uefa has an anti-Fifa virus."

Not a fan of UEFA it seems
Why are people surprised at this? We may have not known it but it's now clear that they knew exactly how the vote was going to pan out.

It's only a problem if money or similar exchanged hands as well, isn't it?
Making deals isn't corrupt but may be against the FIFA job regs.

I wonder how the USA missed 2022.
I am reading Jenning's book about the dirty dealings at FIFA and UEFA and will be amazed if the guys at the top do not do time. It was a case of there being no oversight whatsoever about the vast amounts of money sloshing about. In addition the wherewithal to allocate tickets to the highest bidder for World Cups in reality a license to print money. Money that totalled millions. I would say if anybody wants to understand the labyrinthine workings of the men at the top get hold of the book and you will understand why the FBI are mounting a case.

I heard Lord Triesman (ex gov. trade minister, ex-head of FA) earlier in the year say he'd never seen so open discussions about large amounts of cash as when he went to a FIFA meeting. He couldn't go into details particularly, but it appeared to be standard practice.
Football corruption is endemic in many parts - Poyet said that a football TV deal has taught Uruguay that $40M is apparently more than $70M.
Uefa president Platini was the target for most of Blatter's criticism, with the Frenchman accused of being motivated by "envy and jealousy".

The two are currently suspended while Fifa investigates a £1.35m payment made in 2011, which the pair say was for work Platini did as Blatter's adviser.

"At the beginning it was only a personal attack - it was Platini against me," said Blatter.

"He started it, but then it became politics and when it is in politics, it is not any longer Platini against me.

"It is then those who have lost the World Cup - England against Russia. They lost the World Cup and the USA lost the World Cup against Qatar.

He added: "Platini wanted to be Fifa president but he did not have the courage to go as the president and now we are in such a situation in football."

A spokesman for Fifa's ethics committee investigatory chamber told BBC Sport they are "reading with interest" Blatter's comments.

No longer besties then by the sounds of it

2 odious corrupt individuals demise being played out in full view of everyone, beautiful.
He also admitted he should have stood down after the 2014 World Cup in Brazil but stayed due to concerns Uefa, European football's governing body, would become too dominant within Fifa.

"The other confederations were afraid that Uefa would take over everything because they have the money and the players," said Blatter.

"Uefa has an anti-Fifa virus."

Not a fan of UEFA it seems

I can quite safely say that in this particular case the enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
Blatter been on Russian tele saying the 2018/2022 WC venues were decided before the vote!

Russia and USA but Platini scuppered the deal and went with Quatar. He claims the US and English are bad losers and they'd be no investigations into FIFA had either won.

Sepp taking everyone down with him.
No U in Qatar mate.

Sorry, bugbear of mine.

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