Fighting your demons - When life holds a gun to your head...


Well-Known Member
5 Aug 2009
Leeds do you cope?

Genuinely interested in hearing people's responses on this one. Quite a deep topic.

I've had the worst 12 hours of my life. I found out that my Mum and Dad are getting divorced - big deal. However, this afternoon, my Dad drove to the street he grew up in and tried to kill himself in the car. 10 years service in the Army and 20 years as a loyal Policeman, never a word of self-pity did I ever hear cross his lips. The most shocking thing is that my Mum is not bothered. There was no abuse between them and my Mum has joined a set of 'nouveau-riche Divorcees' as a friendship circle, whom have influenced her decision. One woman in particular has been particularly vocal about my Dad, describing him as 'boring' because he doesn't have six holidays a year. She's been divorced 3 times and is just a gold-digging woman. No honour, no self-respect.

I also took a phone call off my Gran, whom I'm very close to, who's been suffering a chest infection. Or so she though. Advanced stages of cancer and has been told that she won't live to see Christmas.

Before all of this, I was taken into a room at work this morning and told to up my enthusiasm for my shit Recruitment Consultant job. I literally cold call from 9am - 6pm with zero guidance or little help. I'm only in the job because there is nothing else and I need the money whilst I get fit to join the Army or become a teacher.

Sorry to moan, but I wanted to paint a picture. I genuinely feel like I have a knife to my throat at the moment and want to respond positively but I don't know how, apart from be there for the people that need me. The reality is, I feel like a mixture of unrelented anger and sorrow.

Question is, how do you cope when shit hits the fan?
The thing that keeps me going is the thought of being happy in the future, sounds silly but thats my thing.
I am sorry to hear that your mum has got in with these cunts, you should have this out with her. I don't speak to my mum anymore and have no desire to do so, just say your piece then leave.

Your dad needs you atm, he won't say it but he does, go and see how he is.
I talk to people I trust and also keep positive any way I can. When I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, I told myself what I wanted in 6 months time and set about doing whatever I could to achieve it.

Good luck with everything!
Sorry to hear that mate.
You have to accept that sometimes there are things you cant do fuck all about except be yourself. I know that sounds obvious, but it is deffo an eternal truth. That fact that you have no control over it generates your anger.
What will be, will be.
Take care.
Yesterday we got some terrible news, (I will not go into detail)

However, there is a Sufi saying

"This too shall pass"

Meaning that all material conditions, positive or negative, are temporary, and it's so true as you go through you will be hit with difficult situations, and you will have a fair few good ones, but they will all pass.

As for your Dad, a very similar thing happened to my farther in law (in fact it's almost the same) he went through a very rough time, but in time he met a wonderful women, and despite some ill health, he is really enjoying life again, sometimes what seems like a disaster is only setting you up for better things to come.

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