Films that you like, but are ruined by one character. Or a stupid plot line.

Think someone has mentioned Taken, but how the hell does Liam/Brian just walk out of France with his arm in a sling when he's destroyed half of Paris, killed about 50 people including a Saudi sheikh and shot the wife of the head of homeland security or whatever he is. I know the French are cheese eating surrender monkeys, but I think a small amount of jail time might have been appropriate. And then he repeats the trick all over again in Istanbul. And don't get me started on the shit film that Taken 3 is.
The Sixth Sense. Would have been a better movie if Bruce Willis was not a dead ghost.

and The Fight Club. Should have just been Edward Norton alone and no Brad Pitt.

As soon as that film started I tippled he was a ghost.
Not a classic by any stretch but 500 days of summer was enjoyable enough for that type of film (belting soundtrack too).

That is, until the last 10 minutes that make the whole thing a joke. He so should've been topping himself at the end, instead of waltzing off with another woman.
Yep. His supposed oration before the final battle was laughable. If I'd been in the crowd and heard that drippy nonsense, I'd have said fuck this I'm off to join the saracens.

A few years ago I watched Christian bale in Exodus, another Ridley Scott movie. I could not help but wonder how good he would have been as Balian
The first half of Die Another Day was really good. The second half was absolutely gash.

I just can't...
It is my belief that the Lord of the Rings trilogy is ruined by how needy Frodo is. A total liability. The amount of times he tried to put the Ring into the hands of the enemy, he was a twat to Sam, and then nearly bollocksed it all up at the end.

I am a fan of the alternative theory that when Gandalf says "fly, you fools" in Moria, he actually meant for them to wait for the eagles and be flown to Mordor. But then we wouldn't have had three films. And Sean Bean would have survived.

I have long heard this theory that using the eagles would have been so much quicker. I think the reason this is not an option is because...
1 the ring is very corrupting. We see how quickly Isildur, Boromir and Smeagol are corrupted by it. Imagine if it had corrupted the mind of an eagle. It would have been straight to Sauron, not to Mount Doom.
2 I believe the reason the Nazgul start riding the fellbeasts is because they anticipate the eagles may play a part in bringing the ring to mount Doom.
3 the eagles may have decided themselves they did not want the ring for the same reason Gandalf did not want it. For fear it would take them over.

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