Films that you like, but are ruined by one character. Or a stupid plot line.

Unrealistic? The whole Avengers? Batman? All of DC and Marvel? Does the op just watch documentaries?

I never mentioned those films. Although, to be fair to you, I can’t get in board with most of those films. And yes, I do watch an inordinate amount of documentaries. I have always loved them. I’m a right boring ****, but, I don’t care.
On the flip side, Even though Tom Cruise is nothing at all physically like Jack Reacher I thought he was very good in the 2 Reacher films.

Anything with posh twats in it like Benedict Cumberbatch (ffs what a name) or Eddie Redmane in it makes me want to smash the tv.
Any film with a car chase, bores me to tears and always switch off at that point, also any gratuitous shoot em up film, like, John Wick and Taken, absolute shite.
Knowbwhat you mean. Matrix Reloaded has to be one of the few exceptions. That was exceptional - probably because it was able to utilise genuine limitless fantasy instead of the fantasy of what a real person might try in a car - which could never come off.
Oooh I've got a good one. Professor umbridge I think her name is from Harry potter. Bet no one can beat that.
It is my belief that the Lord of the Rings trilogy is ruined by how needy Frodo is. A total liability. The amount of times he tried to put the Ring into the hands of the enemy, he was a twat to Sam, and then nearly bollocksed it all up at the end.

I am a fan of the alternative theory that when Gandalf says "fly, you fools" in Moria, he actually meant for them to wait for the eagles and be flown to Mordor. But then we wouldn't have had three films. And Sean Bean would have survived.
It is my belief that the Lord of the Rings trilogy is ruined by how needy Frodo is. A total liability. The amount of times he tried to put the Ring into the hands of the enemy, he was a twat to Sam, and then nearly bollocksed it all up at the end.

I am a fan of the alternative theory that when Gandalf says "fly, you fools" in Moria, he actually meant for them to wait for the eagles and be flown to Mordor. But then we wouldn't have had three films. And Sean Bean would have survived.
The Frodo/Sam story is shit, takes up far too much screen time and is only partially rescued by the comedic value of the Andy Serkis monologues/dialogues.
It was a pretty average film anyway but when Churchill jumps on the tube in Darkest Hour and starts jollying it up with the passengers...abysmal scene

I thought it was a tad overrated as a film too.

It’s a mega story to tell but it was a bit “meh”. I enjoyed it purely on the basis of what it was about.

That scene on the tube was utterly embarrassing and cringeworthy.

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