Finally, the football journalists begin to earn their money

Xavvi said:
m27 said:
I know you did it in a piss take thread but it felt like catharsis to me. I have also read all your posts since you joined this Sunday and get no MCFC affection shining through them. Strangely, there's more knowledge of all things Scouse.

Oh that? lol

I spent a lot of time in Liverpool so I feel strongly about some issues at their club (the Sun, media victimisation) and I do feel affection for the city. I am a City man though, but I like a devil's advocate approach. It makes things easier to analyze for me. Anyway, we should leave it mate, I'm no scouse journo.

Ok mate. If you admit anything in a PM though I can be trusted. I'd love to understand the ins out of the industry...ok ok, I'll leave it...

My parting shot though, you are the most mild mannered City fan EVER to be branded a Scouser. Good night and God bless.
m27 said:
Xavvi said:
Oh that? lol

I spent a lot of time in Liverpool so I feel strongly about some issues at their club (the Sun, media victimisation) and I do feel affection for the city. I am a City man though, but I like a devil's advocate approach. It makes things easier to analyze for me. Anyway, we should leave it mate, I'm no scouse journo.

Ok mate. If you admit anything in a PM though I can be trusted. I'd love to understand the ins out of the industry...ok ok, I'll leave it...

My parting shot though, you are the most mild mannered City fan EVER to be branded a Scouser. Good night and God bless.

Haha, won't give it up will you mate? I'm not a journo, nor am I scouse. I've already explained the approach I take to things but if it pleases you I guess we could carry on.

Good night to yerself, mate. Been a long one for sure.
Xavvi said:
Soulboy said:
Why do you say that Mancini overlooked the demise of his predecessor at the match... when the club clearly and unequivocally stated that he was NOT at the ground, even though many of the pygmies wrote that he was.

The fact you're continuing this view means you either know for certain that City are lying or that you believe what the papers wrote... which begs a number of questions as to where your "loyalties" lie.

I was shown pictures of Mancini sitting in the ground on another site and I take that statement back if they were recycled or simply photoshopped.

Which site was this? I look forward to viewing the photo if you could post the link to it.
People pointing out that the journos were only commenting on things that we talk about on here, re. Cook and other perceived problems within our club are missing the point somewhat.

We are all blues and would defend them to the hilt. But in private, albeit on a public message board ironically, we do accept their faults.

But it's okay for us to say these things, because it's OUR club. It's a bit like my wife. It's okay for me to say that she has a bit of a fat arse, but if a bloke on the street says it, he'll get a fat lip.

So there you have it in a nut shell - our club just has a slightly fat arse.
m27 said:
1. "Long after"? So you think Ranieri was sacked without Mourinho lined up? Why did Mourinho remove his medal and leave the pitch after winning the Champions League with Porto then? Arguably the club's most historical moment and Mourinho overshadowed it with his ego-centric behaviour. Was this brought up at his first Chelsea press conference?
I believe the reason he didn't celebrate was because he'd received a death threat from the Portugese Mafia shortly before the game. I could be wrong though.
neely8 said:
People pointing out that the journos were only commenting on things that we talk about on here, re. Cook and other perceived problems within our club are missing the point somewhat.

We are all blues and would defend them to the hilt. But in private, albeit on a public message board ironically, we do accept their faults.

But it's okay for us to say these things, because it's OUR club. It's a bit like my wife. It's okay for me to say that she has a bit of a fat arse, but if a bloke on the street says it, he'll get a fat lip.

So there you have it in a nut shell - our club just has a slightly fat arse.

Fair enough :)

But there is nothing at all private about this forum matey. This isn't the equivalent of blasting off with a few friends in the pub after the game safe in the knowledge you can forget it in the morning. Whatever you say on here can be seen by anybody and quoted by anybody, literally anybody in the world.

By all means, we should all say what we think on here, but we shouldnt be disrespectful to the club because if we don't have respect, how can we expect anybody else to?
kismet said:
I will always support the Manager and I did with Hughes but I was disappointed with the numbers of the Welsh Taffia that he surrounded himself with.......he became entrenched with their views........

the defence is it bad buying or bad organisation.........

for 230M we should have more than just a good attack and midfield...........

they simply did not want to give him the big cash in January.......

I think this would be number one reason for getting rid. Managers are judged on results. If this isn't the issue then they hang you on your expertise in the transfer market. We have had some good buys without doubt, but the way the defence has had its bizarre moments, I think, would leave the owners to think that they are not paying for Defence Mk.II, unless it's with another manager.
m27 said:
Ok, I accept this journalist was not at the press conference but why weren't his thoughts put alongside Henry Winter's in today's paper
Probably because Henry Winter works for The Telegraph and this is The Times. Just a hunch.
Dubai Blue said:
m27 said:
Ok, I accept this journalist was not at the press conference but why weren't his thoughts put alongside Henry Winter's in today's paper
Probably because Henry Winter works for The Telegraph and this is The Times. Just a hunch.

I missed an 's' off the "paper". I think you know what I was driving at sarky-pants.

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